Chapter 30

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"Aurora, time to get up," I could hear a voice saying slowly waking me up from my slumber. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see that my father was watching me as I got up. "What's going on?" I asked as something felt off. 

"It's time for you to go back to school. You've missed a while you've been home... sick." he said trailing off. "But don't worry I have told your teachers and you will be prepared for when you go back," he added.

I tried to think back over the time I have been apparently at home but I couldn't remember anything. "I can't remember anything, the last thing I remember was being on the train and we just got to school but I forgot my bag so I had to go back. But, I can't remember anything after that," I looked up to my father worried.

"Don't fret, my dear Aurora. The healer said you could have some memory loss after your incident. You see you were hit by a curse that made you very sick. We suspect it was your so-called friends that harmed you," he said matter a factly. 

I shook my head, "No they wouldn't do that. They care about me more than you do. You crucioed me last year and the Potter's took me in. My friends no my family would never do that to me, your lying." I said getting up moving away from the man. 

"Aurora, Stop" he yelled. And my whole body stopped. 

"What's going on?" I asked frightened.

"What's going on is your going to finally stop this nonsense. And start complying," he said. "You're going to spy on those so-called friends of yours and tell me or your brother what they are up to. And that's final. Do you understand?" he asked.

I tried to shake my head but something took over me. While my father watched my eyes and the necklace shine a bright green than go out. 

"Yes, father," I said in a monotone voice.

"Now that's better. You will go back to Hogwarts this evening and resume your usual duties at the school. You will watch over those blood traitors and mudbloods, but do not let them know something is up. You will act like you usually do with them so they won't suspect anything while you gather information for the Dark Lord. If they ask where you've been I want you to say you were staying at home while your mother was recovering from an illness and you felt if it was for the best if you were here for her for the time. But she is recovered now, so you thought it was time to head back to school," he told me.

I nodded my head along in understanding. 

"Is there anything I need to worry about?" he asked staring into my eyes trying to detect something. 

"The only one I'm worried about is Sirius Black, he's in love with me and might think something is off before the others," I told him. 

"We can't let that happen, do you understand?" he asks furiously. 

"Yes, sir. I'll make sure he doesn't find out," I said.

"Good. Now let's get you back to Hogwarts," he said coldly.

TIME SKIP (Back at Hogwarts)

I watched as my father talked to Dumbledore in the headmaster's office, making sure everything was in line for my arrival back to the school partway through the year. 

Once they were done Dumbledore turned to me and looked me over like he was studying me then said, "Good to have you back Miss Malfoy. From what your father told me you should be caught up in all your studies so you won't fall behind in the sixth year classes. I will inform your head of house Professor Slughorn that your back. But you're ready to resume your classes tomorrow with the others," Dumbledore said. 

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