Chapter 42

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It was the first day of the new term, and I was sitting at the Slytherin table next to Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Severus. Keeping my focus on my plate stirring around the eggs on my plate not really in the mood to eat. I didn't notice an owl swooping into the great hall until it dropped a letter right in front of me.

Picking up the letter I examined it, noticing it had only my name is written in handwriting I didn't recognize.

"Is it from father and mother?" Lucius asked peering over my shoulder.

Shaking my head I told him, "No, I don't think so. It's neither of there handwritings."

Opening the letter I read

Dear my future wife,

I am writing to tell you that I will be in Hogsmeade this following weekend. And I insist that you meet me at The Three Broomsticks precisely at noon on Saturday. Now please make sure you are on time, I do hate it when people are not punctual. It is very important to me that you as a future Rosier have excellent punctuality I would hate for that to be a problem for you.

See you soon my love.

Yours truly,

Evan Rosier

P.S Dress Respectfully

Looking over the letter a few more times, I could feel my blood start to boil. Who does he think he is, thinking he can just order me around and I will do exactly what he says. Taking a deep breath I try to get my emotions under control.

I finally look up from the letter and my eyes wander to the Gryffindor table where they meet with grey ones already looking at me. I can see the questioning look in Sirius's eyes like he knows that something is wrong. Quickly glancing away from Sirius before Lucius or anybody saw, I fold up the letter and tuck it into my bag. And get up from my spot at the table.

"I forgot my book for potions, in the common room. I'll see you in class, brother," I told him.

"Wait I want you to take Severus with you, it's not safe to roam the castle alone who knows what could be lurking behind empty corners," Lucius said causing me to frown.

"Lucius I will be fine, no need to go all big brother on me," I told him trying to joke.

"I insist, now Severus will you please escort my sister to the common room," Lucius said in a tone which made it obvious he was in no mood for arguing about it anymore.

I throw Severus an apologetic smile as he gets up from his seat next to my brother. Wearing his usual monotone face. I felt sorry for Severus, I know how the marauders treat him and its awful.

As we made our way out of the Great Hall in silence, I didn't notice the four pairs of eyes watching us from the Gryffindor table.

The whole way down to the Dungeons and to the Slytherin common room was awkward neither of us speaking a word. Though once we got into the common room I finally spoke up, "So, I might have lied about needing to grab my book. I just needed a break from everybody."

"So you made me walk all the way down here because you needed a break," Severus drawled out looking irritated. As we both made our way out of the common room and to the potions classroom.

"I didn't make you do anything. I just wanted a break and then my brother practically ordered you to come with me. It's not my fault you listen and do everything that my brother tells you," I snapped at him.

"Well, wouldn't you know all about following orders? From what I know you have to do everything mummy and daddy says or you'll be out," he snarled at me.

"You better watch your mouth or I swear to Salazar himself that you will regret it," I glowered at him stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"I would like to see you try, Malfoy" he glared at me and pulled out his wand.

"Expelliarmus" A voice came soaring through and Severus wand fly's out of his hand.

Both of our heads snap to the voice and see James and Sirius standing there and Sirius holding both his and Severus wand.

"Now Snivellus, really showing your true colors attacking a lady who isn't even armed with a wand. Didn't know you could stoop any further," Sirius taunted looking from Severus than to me.

"You really are a greasy git," James added smirking at his rival.

"Didn't think you would care if anything happened to your precious Aurora here. Weren't you the two that didn't want anything more to do with her. Causing her to crawl her way out of the lion's den and back to the snakes where she belongs," Severus said edging this conversation into greater trouble.

I was about to say something trying to stop this before it takes a worst turn but Sirius beat me to before I could speak, "You don't know anything."

"Don't I Black. While you were disowned completely from your family and will never be welcomed back. Aurora here is back from the depths of fifth you and Potter dug her into," Severus taunted.

"I would watch your mouth, Snivellus," James warned.

"Or what," Severus glared at him.

"THAT'S ENOUGH," I yelled at the three of them causing all three heads to snap towards me.

"James, Sirius I expected better out of you. But, when will you two stop being bullies? And Severus when will you get your head out of your arse and stop letting other peoples words or opinions about you control you and your actions," I told the three of them.

Before any one of them could respond to Professor Slunghorn came by and asked, "Is there a problem her my boys and miss Malfoy?"

"Of course not Professor we were just making our way to your class," I smiled at him trying to get him to believe me besides the obvious tension in the room.

"Very well then come on, before all five of us are late," he said and we all made our way to Potions in silence. 

Disgrace (Sirius Black)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin