Chapter 29

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Meanwhile Back at Malfoy Manor

I don't know how long I have been here, with no way to calculate time. But I know it has to have over a month since I've been taken and tortured by my own father. There is still no sign of the dark lord, but I know my father must be doing this in order to please him. It's the only reason why he does anything. To make sure the Malfoy name is in good standing with he who must not be named.

Laying here on the cold hard ground of the cellar/dungeon floor covered in bruises and dried blood, it's hard to not give into my father wishes so the pain could just stop already. But, I know I can not give into him. I need to stay strong if not for myself, but for Sirius. He would never give in to his family no matter what they did to him, and I can't let him down. And for my friends that have become my family.

I can't turn my back on the Potter's for how much they have done for me. And for Lily who has stuck by my side this whole time and if I gave in I would be giving into the same people who want her kind dead. Also, Remus who was considered a disgusting halfbreed with him being a werewolf. I promised myself that I would never turn my back on them. Even if it costs me my sanity or even my life.

Hearing footsteps coming down the stone stairs my head peaks up at the noise. And I slightly wince has pain shoots through my body. 

I see my father open the door and staring at me with a sinful smirk on his face. "Are you ready to comply yet my dear?" he asked.

"Hmm let me think about it for a second, how about no," I said sarcastically to the evil man. 

"Wrong answer," he said simply. Then grabbed ahold of his wand and pointed it at me. "Crucio," he says and pain once again shoots through my body. It doesn't matter how many times he does this to me I don't get used to the immense pain that it causes. My whole body aches like I just ran over by the Knight Bus.

Once he stops the spell he looks over me assessing the damage I assume. 

"Are you ready to give in already?" he asked quizzically. 

I looked up and I can feel the tears going down my cheeks and I look him right in the eyes and with all the conviction I could muster up I told him "Never."

He stares at me for a while before saying "I believe that. But unlucky for you, I think I have a thing in mind that could change that. I'll be back don't get too comfortable Aurora." Then left up the stairs leaving me utterly alone once again.

"I couldn't even think of what worst pain he could inflict on to me. He's already been using one of the unforgivable's with a few other spells to torture me. What worst could he actually due than kill me." I thought to my self before I pass out on the floor. 

"Time to get up dear," my father's voice said waking me up. 

I look at him with fear in my eyes, scared of what he might do to me now.

"No need to look at me like that, I haven't come to torture you in a sense. I realized that hasn't gotten us anywhere in these past couple months. I don't know why I wasted all this time trying to get you to come back to our side willingly when I can just use something so you don't have a choice," He said smirking down evilly at me. 

"Never going to happen," I said shaking my head at the man. 

He let out a dry laugh "You see Aurora, you won't have a choice. You'll comply without a choice," he said.

He pulled something out of his pocket and I scooted further away from him. Starring at the strange necklace that he pulled out.

"You see this here. It's been passed down throughout the Malfoy lineage for as long as I remember," He said staring at the gold necklace with a green gem of sorts at the bottom. "It has the ability for whoever wears it to be under the control of who put's it on that said person. Do you see where I'm going with this now my dear?" he asked. 

"There's no way it's going to work," I told him, but I honestly doubted that it would be that case. 

"Tsk Tsk, my daughter. It will work and you will finally do as your told," he said.

"And what is it I would be told?" I spat at him.

"You see I have been conversing with the Dark Lord. And I think he and I have figured out a perfect way for your friendship with those blood traitors and mudbloods will work in his favor. So, once the necklace is on you will be working with us spying on them and the others that move against the Dark Lord and report back to Lucious or myself with your findings," he told me.

I shook my head "They're going to find out that something isn't right with me," I told him.

"You give them to much credit my dear," he said coming closer to me. 

"You don't give them enough. They know me and I have been missing like you said a couple of months now. They'll know something is up," I said promising to him.

"I guess we'll find out," he said darkly coming over to me putting the necklace on to me as I struggled to get away. But nothing worked to get away from the man and once the necklace was finally around my neck everything went black. 

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