Chapter 8

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It was almost time to go for Holidays, and I can't be any more nervous. After the incident with my brother, I have been staying in the room of requirements which I learned from Remus that it was called that. The only news I got from my father was a letter saying that I had to return home this break that I could not stay at Hogwarts. Which means nothing good could come from this trip back. Tomorrow I would be going home with my brother, and I will receive some punishment from my father because I'm friends with what he considers blood traitors and mudbloods. I didn't tell the boy's what was waiting for me when I got home because I didn't want to worry them about me.

Now here I am sitting in the Gryffindor common room surrounded by the people who I have grown so close to in the past months. I've become closer to Lilly she's my only girl friend that I know I can count on. Though she hasn't listened to me about going on a date with James, she has stopped calling him an arrogant, so that's a plus at least. Sirius and I have gotten so close that I can't imagine what it would be like not to have him here with me. Though we're just friends and that's how things are going to stay probably well I don't know what I feel for him. Who Know's if he even likes me like that, so I'm not going to risk stupid feelings over the bond we have. I feel like he understands me considering we both grew up in the same type of household with the same beliefs.

"Aurora are you with us?" someone asked snapping me out of my thoughts I blink before looking at who spoke. I looked and saw that it was Remus. "Yeah, sorry I got lost in thought," I told him smiling lightly. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked me with concern. "No, it's nothing of concern," I told him and got up. "Let's go find the other's," I told him, and he got up following me looking for the other three.

Finally seeing Sirius, I was about to go up to him when I saw that he was talking to some other Gryffindor girl that I think is one of Lily's friends whats her name... Marlene I think. I quickly made a turn and spotted James and Peter who were sitting by each other talking to Frank and some other Gryffindor boy's. Remus and I headed that way for them to join in on their conversation.

I kept glancing who was talking to that girl, and I couldn't help get a little jealous which is stupid considering that were not even dating was nothing... nothing more than friends.

"Aurora!" someone practically shouted. I looked and saw that it was James. He put his hands up defensively "Sorry we were trying to get your attention, and you weren't responding. Something the matter?" he asked. "Nope, everything is peachy," I told him putting on a fake smile. Which he didn't believe than looked over where he saw me looking and spotter Sirius and Marlene, and he made an oh face.

"I'm going to go back to the room, and I'll meet you boys on the platform tomorrow in the morning, Goodnight," I told them and left quickly before they could stop me. "Aurora, wait up," Lilly said walking fast to catch up to me. I stopped waiting for her. "Here, I got this for you. It's your Christmas present to say thank you for what you've done for me this year," she said handing me a small box. I take it and hug her in return. "Thank you so much, Lilly. I'll send your present to you over break." I told her. After that I left telling her I didn't so well, and after reassuring her that I was fine and I would be good on my own, she let me go.

I made it back to the room of requirements and changed into my nightgown than hopping into the huge bed. Sprawling out over to the covers waiting for sweet, peaceful slumber to take me away from my feelings.

The next morning I quickly packed my trunk and got ready to head home back to the manor. My hands were practically shaking because I was so nervous for the trip back. I opened the door to take a peek outside to make sure the coast was clear. When I got down to the platform, I saw Sirius waiting there. I walked over to him from behind and put my hands over his eyes and said: "Guess who?". He chuckled before bringing his hands up and wrapping them around my wrists. "Let me guess, my favorite beautiful Slytherin friend," he said than removed my hands. "Oh, it's you," he said causing me to jab him in the chest. "Kidding, Love. Let's get on the train the others saved us a compartment."

We got into the compartment with James, and Peter sitting on one side and Remus on the other. I moved and sat down next to Remus and Sirius sat on the other front of me. Once we all got situated, we all started talking. "I'm so excited to go back home; mum's planning a big new years party," James said then turned to me. "Are you excited to go back to your manor?" he asked me with slight worry in his voice. "Yeah, totally ready to be surrounded by my prejudice family talking crap on people I care about. Sounds like a blast." I said sarcastically. "You know if you ever in need of a place to stay the Potter residence is always open to you. Just ask Sirius he moved in with us last summer," he said. "Yeah, the Potter's are great people never afraid to help people in need of a good home, love," Sirius said. "I'll remember that, thank you," I told the both of them. "You should come to the party on new years if you can," James said. "I'll try, but I don't think my father would let me go. But I promise I'll try to convince him, or I'll sneak away." I told him, and James and Sirius both smiled knowing they might get to see me over the break.

For the rest of the train ride, we rode in silence, with James and Peter both falling asleep. And Remus reading a book, I don't know when but I drifted away to sleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me lightly. I blink my eyes a few times trying to get rid of the sleepiness to look up and see that it was Sirius starring down at me. That's when I realize that I had my head in his lap, I quickly got up muttering a quick apology feeling the light blush come to my cheeks. "No worries, love. It's perfectly fine." he said smirking.

I'm about to leave the compartment realizing that everybody else was already gone. When Sirius pulled me back in giving me a severe look, "Are you sure you are going to be fine at home?" he asked. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said trying to act oblivious to what he's implying. He shook his head not believing me. "Just promise me, you'll contact me at any sign of trouble," he said. "Promise," I said holding up my pinky for him to pinky promise giving him a cheesy grin. He chuckled before wrapping his pinky around mine than he gives it a light kiss and I feel my breath hitches. Then he breaks our pinky's away and stares at me watching my reaction closely.

"Come on, let's go before the train leaves with us on board," he said, and I follow him as he leads us to the way off the train. I give him a quick hug goodbye which he graciously returns without a second thought.

When I break away, I see my father standing by my brother waiting for me. And the one thing I could tell was he did not look pleased with all with me.

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