Chapter 31

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"Come on Aurora, we're going to be late to Transfiguration. You can't be late on your first day back" Lily told me as I finished getting ready to head to class. 

"Hold on," I said as I put on my Slytherin green tie. Finishing up the last touches, I was finally done and made my way over to Lily who was waiting impatiently for me. 

"Lily, why are you just waiting here? We're going to be late for class," I said smirking at her. She just gasps and muttered "I hate you," as we left the room.

"No, you don't," I told her matter a factly. "You're right, but if we don't pick up the pace were seriously going to be late and McGonagall isn't going to be happy with us," Lily said and I agreed and we both started speed walking to class.

Making it to class just in time, we take the empty desk up front. With Sirius and James sitting right behind us. Remus and Peter to one side. And the other side of us was Lucious who looked at me with a smirk and next to him was Severus who looked surprised to see me.  

"Good to see you finally made it, we thought you disappeared on us again. Had to stop Padfoot here from going and searching for you," James said to me as we sat down. 

"Sorry, to worry you. I was just running a little late this morning," I told the both of them. 

"It's fine, love. I wasn't that worried. I knew you wouldn't leave again without telling us again," he said sweetly but it came out a bit passive-aggressive. 

Knowing I couldn't have him upset with me, to get the information I'm going to need now or in the future I say, "Again, I'm sorry for causing all of you so much worry. And I promise I won't ever do anything like that again." 

"It's alright, Aurora. We know you didn't mean to cause us to worry," Lily said giving me a soft smile to show her forgiveness which I returned.

Then Professor McGonagall came into the room and started the lesson. Which seemed to drag on and on. I wasn't really paying attention when Lily nudged me in the arm trying to get my attention. I go to mutter what to her when I see McGonagall staring at me. 

"Miss Malfoy, stay after class if you will," Professor McGonagall said sternly. "Yes, Professor," I told her and she went back to teaching the class.

Once class was done, I said a quick goodbye to Sirius and the others as they left the room.

"Miss Malfoy, please come here," McGonagall said sitting at her disk. I obeyed and walked up to her standing in front of her desk.

"Do you know why I asked you to stay later?" she asked. 

"Because I wasn't paying attention in class," I told her. 

She shook her head. "That's a part of the reason, Yes. But a week ago Miss Evans and Mr. Potter, Black, and Lupin came to me with their concerns about you," she said watching me for my reaction.

"And what if I may ask were there concerns?" I said gritting my teeth. 

"They were concerned with your safety at your home," she said and stopped for a second thinking about to phrase her words than added "And from what they told me. They had every right to be concerned."

"What did they tell you?" I asked.

"Mr. Potter said that your father used the cruciatous curse on you last year, and you have been staying with the Potter's ever since," she said sadly but watching me how I would react. 

My head starting hurting for a second like something was trying to get out. I looked down to see that my necklace was starting to glow a bright green. I quickly tried to cover it before McGonagall could see, but by the look on her face, I was too late. 

Giving her a fake smile. "My father never used that curse on me, I can assure you professor. And there was no reason for them to worry, I was just home helping take care of my mother when she was very ill. I thought I was going to lose her," I said trying to gain sympathy from the older women. 

"Very well. There's nothing I can do unless you tell me the truth Miss Malfoy," she said sternly. 

"I know. I am telling you the truth though Professor. Can I leave now, I don't want to be late for my next class," I said. 

"I just have one more question before you leave," she said and I waited for her to continue. "Where did you get that necklace," she asked.

I gulped knowing that she thinks something is up. "Oh, this old thing. My father gave it to me. It's an old Malfoy an heirloom that's been passed down through the generations," I told her.

"If you don't mind could I take a look at it?" she asked.

"No," I said a little too quickly but recovered by saying "I mean, I just promised my father I wouldn't take it off."

"Very well, off to your next class. But, please try to pay more attention in my class from now on," she said watching me closely.

"Will do, Professor" I said leaving the room quickly not wanting to get question anymore.

Merlin, she knows something is up. It's only the second day and someone already thinks something is up. If it weren't for Black and the rest of them going to them with there so called concerns she wouldn't have suspected anything. 

Deciding to skip classes for the rest of the day I made my way to the Black Lake. Not wanting to deal with anyone. Sitting down by the tree by the lake, I pulled out a book to read wanting to take my mind off of everything for a little bit. 

I don't know how long I was sitting there reading my book when someone came and sat down by me. I look to my side to see that it was no other than Sirius. I gave him a fake smile and put down my book.

"You know if you wanted to skip class today, you could have told me and I would have come with you. It would have given us some time to catch up," he said starring deeply into my eyes. 

"I know, I just need some alone time after I talked with McGonagall," I told him but when I saw the sad look appear on his face I quickly added "I'm glad you're here now. I missed you so much over the couple months of not seeing you."

He smirked "You did now?" he asked leaning in. 

"I did," I said as I met him the rest away causing our lips to meet. The kiss was slow and full of want from him. I slowly pulled away and gave him a smile. 

I stood up and held out my hand to him. "Let's head back to the castle, I'm starving," I told him and he agreed. We walked back to the castle hand in hand. 

Knowing I had him right where I wanted him I smiled. Soon I will have all the information I need from him. 

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