Chapter 19

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Just keep running, don't stop. I told myself as I raced through the passageway until I came to an end and got out of whomping willow.

My mind was finally starting to process what was happening. Remus was a werewolf. And it explains so much thinking about it; he was always getting injured or having family emergencies. He was getting the injuries from the wolf inside of him. Why didn't he tell me? Did he not trust me?

Then there's the fact that James and Peter disappeared and were replaced with a stag and a rat. They must be an animagus, but they couldn't possibly be registered no they must be unregistered. Those idiots, if they get caught, could end up in Azkaban for merlins sakes.

"Oh look, what we have here a filthy blood traitor," someone said breaking me out of my thoughts.

I look up to see that it was Bellatrix, Rudolph, Narcissa, and Lucius. I glared at all four of them and tried to walk past them.

"Where do you think you are going, dear sister? Too much of a coward to face us now that you don't have your mudbloods and blood traitors around" Lucius said. "Don't talk about them like that?" I told him angrily.

"You know sister, and I thought you came to your senses when you came back to the common room crying about how Black was with another girl. But you went right back to them like the traitor you are" Lucius said coldly.

"Come on let's have a little fun with her. She deserves a little punishment" Bellatrix said grinning like a mad woman.

I went to grab my wand, realizing I didn't have my face paled. I must have left it in the dorm with Lily and Alice.

"Oh look she's not even putting up a fight, must know she deserves punishment," Lestrange said.

Realizing I had nothing to fight off my only option is to run. I dash down the corridor to the left of me, hiding in a small closet. I tried to calm my breathing so they couldn't hear me.

"Come out come out where ever you are" I heard Bellatrix say.

How do I get out? If they find me, they'll hex and curse me into oblivion. I crouched down into the corner of the closet, trying the best to hide the small room.

The door creaked open, and I gulped.

"Come on Aurora. We know you are in here. If you come out now, we won't hurt you too bad" Lucius taunted me. "Do it brother, just like father did over the holiday. Use the unforgivable on me, if that's the type of man you want to be" I told him getting up from my spot knowing hiding was no use.

"Such big words for a little girl. It's time for some fun" Rudolph said wickedly. Lucious put his hand up to stop him. "If any one's going to hurt her it's gonna be me," he said raising his wand.

I close my eyes waiting for the spell...that never came. I heard four loud thumps hit the ground. I open my eyes to see Lily and Alice with there wands outpointing them at the four stupefied bodies on the ground.

They both came over to me and wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug. "You never came back... we were searching for you all over the castle when we heard the voices. Then we saw all four them with there wands pointed at you" Lily said.

"Thank you," I told them. They both shook their heads, "There's no need to thank us. It's what friends do" Alice said.

"Let's go back up to the common room before we get caught. And you can explain to us where you've been" Lily said slightly scolding me like a child. I nod in agreement though.

We walked up to the Gryffindor dorm in silence still in somewhat shock of what happened tonight. Though they don't know the half of it.

We finally made it up to the dorm, and we sat in our separate beds. "Where were you? You said you were going down the kitchens quick, but you were gone so long" Lily said.

What do I tell them? I can't exactly say I followed Remus, James, Peter, and Black and found out that Remus was a werewolf. And that James and Peter can turn into animals. No, it's not my place to tell.

"After I went to the kitchens, I decided to take a walk around the castle, and that's when I ran into the four of them" I lie quickly to them.

"Well your not going to be strolling around the castle at night anymore. I can promise you that" Lily said and Alice nodded in agreement. "Okay, Mum," I said rolling my eyes at her treating me like a child.

"Hey, don't roll your eyes at me. We just saved your arse. Now go to bed it's been a long night" Lily said. "Goodnight. And Thank you again, both of you" I said.

Letting sleep overcome me, knowing that tomorrow I'm going to have to confront the boys and get the full truth.


I woke up before Lily and Alice. Deciding to sneak out and head to the boy's dorm. I made my way to there room; once I got there, I opened the door peaking in to see if anybody was in there. I sighed when I saw that none of them were back yet. I decided to wait for them, and I went and sat on one of there bed.

I grew worrier by the minute that they have not returned yet. What if they were hurt or worst. The sun was rising meaning Remus would be back to himself and not in his wolf form.

The door opened breaking me away from my thoughts. And it came all four of them with Remus holding on to both James and Black for support. I got up from the bed quickly to help them.

"Aurora, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here" Black said. "Shut up, or I swear to Salazar himself. I'll make you. Now get Remus on the bed now" I said sternly. He kept his mouth shut after that knowing I wasn't in the mood for him. They moved Remus to the bed.

Looking over Remus's wounds I asses the damage of them. Muttering some healing spells over the cut's and bruises so he would heal. Once I finished Remus wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Remus, please look at me" I begged him softly. He shook his head, "No, I'm a monster and now you know, and you'll never see me in the same way."

"Remus John Lupin, you aren't a monster let's get that cleared. You are my friend, and this changes nothing" I told him. He still didn't look at me. "Remus, please I'm begging you to believe me. Look at me."

He slowly turned his head to look at me with tears in his eyes. I leaned him and gathered him in my arms pulling him into a hug. He was stiff at first then relaxed and hugged me back, after a few moments I pulled away then turned my attention to the three other boys who were watching the exchange.

"Now you three are going to tell me why James and Peter here were replaced with a stag and a rat," I told them sternly, and Remus let out a little chuckle behind me wincing a little at the pain.

"Well you see little Aurora, I'm a stag. Peter here is a rat. And Sirius here you didn't see turns into a great black dog" James said proudly.

I run my hands through my hair processing it. "Now what possessed you to turn yourself into animals?" I asked them. "Well, Moony here of course. If we're in our animagus form and Moony decides to take a little bite we won't be turned into a wolf" Black said.

I nodded my head in understanding their logic in becoming animagus. They had a good point only in human forms could a werewolf bite turn them into werewolf's themselves.

"When do we start?" I asked them. And they look at me with confusion written all over there faces. "Start what?" James asked. "Me, becoming an animagus of course."

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