Chapter 13

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Waking up to a knock coming from my door, "Come in" I said softly but loud enough for whoever it was to here me. The person slowly opened the door, and I looked over to see that it was Sirius. I turned away not wanting to talk to him, still a little upset from what happened earlier.

He sat on the edge of the bed for a minute or so not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "For what" I muttered. "For acting the way I did. I know you wouldn't want that marriage, especially to my brother and being tied into more of their pure-blood beliefs. I was stupid for even suggesting that you wanted that." He said truthfully.

I turned over so I could face him. And by the look on his face I could tell my face was probably a mess, my eyes are probably all red and puffy from crying earlier. "It's okay, and I was just dramatic about the whole situation," I said quietly. He shook his head, "No you've been through a lot over break, and I was not making it any better for you." he said sweetly.

Sitting up in the bed I pull him into a giant hug causing him to pause for a second before hugging me back tightly like he was afraid I would leave. "Don't say that you've been here for me in the ways that matter most. You understand what it's like growing up in a household like that and the toll it takes. I wish I was braver like you and stood up for what was right a long time ago." I said honestly to him. He shook his head, "You are brave, never forget that." he said. I started to pull away from him, and he did the same. But he brought both of his hands up and cupped my cheeks in his calloused hands. I stare up into his blue eyes before breaking the eye contact, and I looked down at his soft lips. I don't know who started leaning in first but just as our lips were about to touch someone came barging in the room. We both moved away and to look at whoever just ruined this moment. And standing there was none other than James freaking Potter.

"Did I interrupt something?" James said knowingly smirking. I looked away from him to hide the blush that has come across my cheeks. I looked at Sirius who looked annoyed, then he grabbed a pillow from the bed and chucked it at James who quickly dodge out of the way from the incoming attack.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Hey I just wanted to tell you two that it was time for dinner," he said defensively. I quickly got out of bed, and so did Sirius, and we didn't say a word as we made our way to the dining table. When we got there, I saw that James Parents, Remus, and Peter were all ready sitting down waiting for us to come and join them.

"Sorry, didn't mean for you all to have to wait on me," I said softly to the table, and I took a seat beside Remus and Sirius sat on the other side of me. "Nonsense, we're happy to wait for everybody to be at the table," Mrs. Potter said kindly.

Everybody sat at the table eating in silence for a few minutes before Ms. Potter broke the silence. "Fleamont and I have been talking, and Aurora we wanted to ask you if you would want to come live with us. That is if you want to." Ms. Potter said. And my jaw dropped in shock on how they open there home to almost a complete stranger. "That's too much I don't want to be a bother to you," I said timidly. "You won't be a bother at all. I have always wanted a daughter, and it would bring me so much joy if you decided to become part of this family," she said sweetly. I felt my eyes tearing up at how kind they are to me.

"I would like that. I would like that very much." I told them, and both of there faces broke into smiles. "You will always be safe here." Mr. Potter said promisingly. My hands were practically shaking under the table when I felt a hand come over and give mine a squeeze I look down to see that it was Sirius's.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, you don't know how much this means to me," I told them. They both smiled at me, "No need for the formalities dear you can call us by our names." Mrs. Potte I mean Euphemia said.

"I guess you're never going get a break from me, oh what fun we will have," James said smirking. Than Euphemia smacked the back of his head. "Aurora just said yes to living with us don't have her change her mind," she said smiling. The rest of us broke out in laughter and James despair. The rest of dinner consisted of small talk about getting ready to go back to Hogwarts in a couple of days.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Sirius asked me, and I nodded my head knowing he's going to want to talk about what happened earlier. I excused myself and so did Sirius when dinner is finished, and we left.

After a couple of minutes of walking in silence, I broke it. "So... why did you want to go on a walk?" I asked him. "What couldn't I just won't go for a walk with a beautiful girl by my side," he said smirking causing me to shove him in the arm. He stopped walking, and I stopped beside him. He pushed his hands in his pockets, and he almost looked nervous.

"If this is about what happened earlier I'm sorry I shouldn't have tried to kiss you. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship because I can't lose you not right now and I don't think I could ever, I've grown so close to you in the past school year and I can't imagine my life without you. So please forgive me and we can act like this never happened. Please" I said pleading with him, and he was smiling like an idiot. "This isn't funny," I said getting upset that he was making fun of my feelings for him. He started chuckling, and that's when I had it, and I walked away from him to have him grab me by my wrist and pulled me to him. He moved his hand from my wrist and cupped my cheeks with both of his hand before pressing a gentle but hungry kiss to my lips. It felt as if fireworks were set off in my stomach like all the tension between us finally burst. We pulled away needing air, and he rested his forehead on mine, and we were both smiling like fools.

"If you had stopped your rambling earlier, I would have told you that I fancied you," he said smirking. I huffed in annoyance, "If you would have stopped your smiling and laughing when I finished what I said I wouldn't have walked away." I told him.

He then pulled me in so my head was resting in the crook of his neck and my hands are wrapped around his muscular torso. He had a hand on the top of my head and the other on my lower back. "Let's just agree that were both at fault how about that," he said. "Agreed" I muttered.

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