Chapter 21

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Let's say it's been the longest month of my life. It was hard enough trying to explain to professors why couldn't speak without actually saying anything. After writing it down for them or having Lily explain it to them, they all just nodded in understanding. The only one who gave me a suspicious look was Professor McGonagall, but she didn't push it any further. So this whole month without being able to speak or eat properly has gone better than it could of went. But the real test is going to be tonight when I finally get a chance to complete the transition.

"Aurora, are you listening?" Sirius asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry I got a little lost in my mind," I said shrugging. 

"Okay, so as we were saying, Moony here has the potion all ready for tonight for you to take so you can transform," James said holding up an almost blood red color potion. 

I started to feel nervous knowing that there's no going back. This is either going to work, or it's going to go horribly wrong. 

"Are you sure you still want to do this? You know none of I'm not going be upset if you don't do this, right?" Remus said with worry. Pushing my nervous feelings down I look up to Remus and smiled and said "I'm sure. I can do this, and I have you four there to help me."

He gave me a small tight lip smile, obviously still worried but didn't say any more.

"Alright, now that's settled tonight after dinner which is in a little bit; we're going to head into the forbidden forest so no one will see us while you transform," James said. 

I nodded and so did the other three in understanding. Once we were done discussing the further plans for tonight, we were about to all leave the room when Sirius said: "Aurora can we talk for a second?". 

I looked to him and nodded, and the other three boys stop as well causing Sirius to add "Alone." So they left in understanding, but I saw James throw Sirius a smirk winking at him.

He paced over to the couch and sat down than motioned for me to come to sit by him. I made my way over to him watching how he was all fidgety with his hands. Sitting down on the couch, I took his hands into mine trying to get him to stop.

"What's wrong?" I asked him in concern. "I'm worried about tonight, what if it goes wrong and you turn into half of an animal and aren't able to change back," he said with his voice laced with concern. "I've drunk that potion, and I know how it burns so bad like fire as you transform into the animal for the first time" he added looking down.

"Sirius Black, I promise you that I will be fine. It can't be worse than the cruciatus course, right?" I said jokingly at the end trying to lighten the mood. Which just caused him to look up at me and glare. 

I took my hands and put them up in defeat. "I'm sorry. But I'm serious I will be fine. And do you know how I know that?" I asked him urging him to answer. "No, how do you know that?" he asked giving in. 

"Because I have had you by my side this whole time for it. You who became an animagus in his fourth year." I said looking into his grey eyes. He let a small smirk graced his lips and said: "I guess your right there."

"I want you to know how thankful I am for you to have helped me with this.  I know you didn't at first, but I'm glad you did I know the other three helped along the way. But I don't think I could have done this without you." I said and looked down not wanting to meet his eyes.

The next thing I know he's pulling me into his arms so that my head is resting on his shoulder as his arm snakes its way around my waist. 

"No need to thank me Aurora. Always happy to help... especially if it means I'm earning a second chance with you," he said quietly. I took a deep breath trying to control my breathing as I'm thinking all that he has done this past month for me. 

I stay silent for a few moments, trying to battle my internal thoughts. Some of them still not wanting to open my self up to him again. But, the other wanting to stay here wrapped in his arms well for forever. "Do I trust him?" I thought to myself. I haven't even seen him flirt with another girl since seeing him kiss Marlene. And he's been trying so hard to build that trust again I once had with him. And I think he has won.

I turn my head to look up at him to realize that he was already staring down at me. I stared into his eyes before stealing a glance at his perfect lips. I started to lean up to meet his lips, and he leans down to meet mine. Our lips meet in a gentle touch not wanting to ruin the moment. Before it becomes more passionate with each passing second. It just felt right after not being with each other for so long. 

Pulling away from the air we rest our foreheads against each other as I feel a smile cross my face. 

"I promise you Aurora, you won't regret this" Sirius said truthfully. "I'll hold that to you, Black," I said smirking.

I was about to kiss him again when the common room door open causing me to practically jump to the other end of the couch away from Sirius. 

We look to see who it was and of course, it was James freaking Potter.

James looked between the both of us. Before smirking and saying  "Am I interrupting something?" 

Before I can answer, I see a pillow fly towards James head which he barely manages to dodge. I burst out in laughter from the expression James face that reads of betrayal as he looks towards Sirius who's smirking proudly.

"I just came to tell you both we were about to head to the forest. So if your done throwing things at me, it's time for little Aurora here to become an animagus." James said. 

I looked back at Sirius and gave him a small smile before getting up and walking towards James. "Well let's do this thing," I said ready to finish the transition finally.

Disgrace (Sirius Black)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz