Chapter 43

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First Person Pov

Walking down the path towards Hogsmeade to meet Rosier, the conversation  I had with Sirius the night before kept playing over and over.

"Why were you defending Snivelious?" Sirius asked after he pulled me into a closet of sorts. His grip was tight on my wrist, I could feel where it would leave bruises.

"Because you and James were being complete pricks," you told him in a shushed voice not wanting anybody to overhear what's going on.

"He had his wand drawn on you. What did you want us, no what did you want me to do let him hurt you," Sirius gripped your wrist even tighter.

"No, I want you to trust me. I had it under control, besides Severus would not have hurt me. He knows what my brother would do to him if he even tried," you tried to reason with him but he wouldn't budge.

"The same brother that let your father hurt you, locked you away, and tried to control the mind," Sirius scoffed.

"The only one who is hurting me right now is you," you snapped and when he looked at you confused you glanced at your wrist. You watched as his eyes widened in realization and he quickly let go of you. Bringing your wrist back to your side, you looked down and could see the red outlines of where his fingers were.

"I'm sorry," he said his voice full of regret as he wouldn't even meet your eyes.

Your heart broke at the sight of him. You knew he would never purposely hurt you in any way. The one thing you knew about Sirius Black that he was all heart, and sometimes that heart of his would get the best of him. You moved closer to him and cupped both of his cheeks in your hands. He slowly looked up from the ground to meet your eyes. His eyes were glossy and you could tell he was trying to the tears from falling.

"I'm fine, Sirius.  I love you," you promised him.

"You shouldn't," he mumbled under his breath but you heard him clearly.

"Don't say that, not now with everything that is happening. There is a war going on and I won't waste a second of it over petty little things. I love you Sirius Black, and nothing will ever change that," you said looking deeply into his grey eyes before connecting your lips to his.

The kiss only lasted for what seemed like a few seconds before you both pulled away. Resting your foreheads against one anothers smiling like a couple of idiots in love.

"When this war is over I'm going to marry you Aurora Malfoy, that's a promise."

You didn't even think it was possible for your smile to grow even more, but it quickly fell when your remembered Evan Rosier.

"There's something I need to tell you," you told him and his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"We don't have to talk about marriage if it's too soon for you or if you don't want to," Sirius doubts came forward.

"No that's not it, I want to marry you someday Sirius and have beautiful babies. But something happened over the holiday break and I need to tell you," you told him.

Then you told him everything that happened over the break from the ball, to the conversations you had with your parents, and then finally to the marriage your parents arranged for you to Evan Rosier. 

"So your getting married to Evan Rosier?" he asked with jaw clenched in anger not at you but the whole situation.

"I don't plan on marrying him, he not who I want to marry. But I have to play the part that was given to me and I have to follow the rules that my parents set. So I can get information to Dumbledore so we can end this war against you know who. Isn't that what you want?" you asked your voice cracking towards the end.

"What I want is for you to be safe and in my arms where you belong," Sirius said running his hand through his black hair.

"And we never truly will be safe till he's dead, don't you understand?" you tried to reason with him.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I have to like it," he grumbled like a child and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at his antics.

"I'm not asking you to, all I am asking you to do is trust me and let me do what is needed to help us win this war," You said and moved to wrap your arms around his torso burying your nose head into his chest.

"Okay, I can do that for you. Is there anything else I need to know?" he asked wrapping his arms tightly around you almost like he's afraid you'll disappear.

"He owled me a letter, I'm supposed to meet him at Hogsmeade tomorrow at noon at The Three Broomsticks to talk."

"I don't like it, but I trust you. But you need to promise me if you don't feel safe for a second that you won't hesitate to hex his arse or get help. I'll have James and Lily be there just in case you need help, then me, Remus, and Peter will be just next door so we don't raise suspicion," he said and you smiled up at him he was being protective of you but he was also trusting you and your decision. 

"I can do that. I love you," you told him.

"And I love you Aurora," he said kissing the top of your head.

As the memory faded you found yourself outside the Three Broomsticks, taking a deep breath you walk in and glance around the room till your eyes land on Rosier sitting at a table waiting for you reading the daily prophet. Walking over to him, you take the seat across from him his eyes finally glancing up from the column he was reaYou're.

"Your late."

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