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i have another story thats really long and im working really hard on it but here


Sorry I didn't kiss you,

Kirishima watches as Bakugou goes to board his flight to America. He smiles to himself. He never told him how he felt. And now they weren't going to see each other for seven years. Once Bakugou was out of sight, Kirishima lets a tear slowly slip down his cheek. He wasn't going to be able to see Bakugou's accomplishments in person for seven years. Why? They had graduated from U.A. High a month ago, and now Bakugou had to go work in America due to rising crime rates. Out of all of Kirishima's friends, it had to be Bakugou?

But it's obvious I wanted to.

Bakugou walks away from Kirishima regretting every little thing that he could regret. He didn't want to leave Kirishima like this, and it just wasn't fair. He wanted to turn around and run back to Kirishima's arms, and kiss him until they both couldn't breathe. Then they'd laugh about it. But, they can't. They can't until seven years are up. Which hurts the most. The wait is so long.

Bubblegum down my throat and it's a curse,

Kirishima runs back to his apartment crying. He can't handle the loss of his friend. He'll have to wait seven years. It's just too long. And it terrifies Kirishima. Bakugou was the only one who could make Kirishima forget his dysfunctional family and self loathe. And now, he'd be forced to live with it. He wish he could get Bakugou to come back sooner than he was supposed to, but he doubted he could do that.

And my luck couldn't get any worse.

Bakugou looked out the airplane window, wishing he could be down on the ground with Kirishima, holding him, cuddling him. Loving him. He regrets those four years of hidden feelings. He wishes he would've just told Kirishima his feelings, even if he got rejected. This weight on his chest wouldn't be here. It wouldn't have ever existed.

'Cause I swallowed the bubblegum,

Kirishima stands in front of a villian. He wishes his best friend was right beside him. He trained with Bakugou for so long, yet he can't fight with him. Not for awhile.

Oh, and these seven years will be pretty dumb.

Bakugou sits on a bench in Central Park. It was so pretty. He had recently joined a charity that picked up trash in parks in New York City. There's only two reasons he joined. To make friends, which he had accomplished. And, because it's what would've made Kirishima proud. Oh, it's only been a few months since he moved here. Not one year has passed yet. He just wanted to share this sight with Kirishima.

Pink flowers grow from my skin.

Kirishima scrolls through pictures on his phone. Old pictures. They were pictures of his and Bakugou's arms. Bakugou used to draw flowers on their arms. They were well drawn too. Kirishima never wanted to wash them off. That would've been unhygienic. So, he took pictures instead.

Pepto Bismol veins and I grin.

Bakugou went to his usual spot in Central Park. He brought along his artist friend, because Bakugou wanted to draw, and he liked to have company while doing so. It's strange how he's grown. He enjoys company now. He actually wants it. He pulls out his sketch book, and starts to draw. It's weird. He only draws for Kirishima. So he can somehow share these moments with him once he gets back.


You look so nice in your shirt,

Bakugou was scrolling through Instagram when he sees a post from Kirishima. It was just him with Denki, Sero, and Mina. He was still cute as ever. Kirishima was wearing a shirt that said 'be happy'. "Hey, babe," Bakugou said to his boyfriend, who was that artist friend. Bakugou showed him the picture. "See the one with the red hair? That's my high school crush." They both smiled. His boyfriend signed, "You still like him, don't you?" Bakugou nodded. His boyfriend sighed. "It's alright. You'll still be mine for the rest of the time you're here." He signed.

It's sad because it just hurts.

Two more years. Kirishima has to wait two more years. That still feels like forever. He wonders what Bakugou is doing right now. Who he's loving. Who he's hating. Kirishima doesn't want to wait two more years. He sighs and closes his eyes. He's trying to sleep despite his most recent string of sleepless nights.

I'd do anything for you,

Bakugou is lying awake, trying to shake the thought that Kirishima could be in trouble, or hurt. He's recently been diagnosed with insomnia. The sleep medication hasn't been working. Now, he spends his nights thinking about life and death scenarios. Bakugou turns and wraps his arms around his boyfriend to get some comfort. 'I've heard that when you can't sleep, it's because someone's thinking about you.'

But would you do that for me, too?

'Is Bakugou thinking about me?' Kirishima thinks to himself, because he sure is thinking about Bakugou. Bakugou's name won't leave his head, sometimes. How is he? How is hero work going? Kirishima wants to ask these questions in person. That's maybe why he refuses to talk to Bakugou through phone.

'Cause I swallowed the bubblegum,

Bakugou stares at the villian ahead of him. He runs at her and takes her out in one blow. He runs away from the scene before some pesky reporters come and bother him. He enjoys company now, but the company of his friends and boyfriend. If the police have questions, they can ask at him at the agency. As Bakugou walks away, he finds himself thinking about how Kirishima is doing.

Oh, and these seven years will be pretty dumb.

Kirishima realizes. The seven years are up. Bakugou's coming back in a week. Kirishima jumps around his apartment in excitement. He decides to do something he's been so hesitant to do. He goes to the door of Bakugou's room in the apartment. Kirishima and Bakugou shared an apartment before he moved. Kirishima hasn't dared to touch the doorknob since he moved.

Pink flowers grow from my skin.

Bakugou looks at his arms. A few years back, he got them tattooed with flowers. It wasn't exactly sleeves, but there was a large flower on each of his arms. One is his boyfriend's favorite flower, and one is Kirishima's favorite. Bakugou broke up with his boyfriend today. Of course, through tears. Bakugou was crying with each word. They left on good terms, and they promised to keep contact. Bakugou made sure to pack his sketch book.

Pepto Bismol veins, I grin.

Kirishima looked at his arms, the scars. He smiles, remembering the pain Bakugou helped to stop. He wonders how Bakugou's changed. He most likely has. Today, Bakugou is coming back. Today, Bakugou talked to Kirishima for the first time in seven years. He texted Kirishima when he was going to arrive at the airport.

Bakugou: hey
Bakugou: long time huh
Bakugou: ill be at the airport at 3 30
Bakugou: ive missed you a lot

Kirishima almost cried at the last part. He got a lot of friends together to pick up Bakugou. Deku, Todoroki, Mina, Denki, and Sero. Those were the only ones who were available.

They all search the airport for Bakugou at exactly three thirty.


yeah there's gonna be a sequal
love yall
just to be clear, bakugou's artist friend and boyfriend are the same person, and he's mute (not bakugou, his boyfriend)
thx bb
keep the change ya flithy animals.

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