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part two to 'Meanings'

and, no, im not killing jin if thats what you were wondering

Red Riot's POV-

I get home from work, being greeted by my beautiful girlfriend.

"Hey, Babe! How was work?" She smiles at me.

"Great. Made almost 500 bucks today." I sit next to her on the couch. "How's our girl?" I kiss her cheek and rest my hand on her stomach.

"She's kicking alright. She's a fighter." She puts her hand on mine. "She's gonna be so much like you. I can feel it."

"One more month, Baby. Then we'll see how much she's like me." I comb my fingers through my girlfriend's light brown hair.

"I think she's going to have black hair with green eyes."

"I think so, too. You're gonna be a perfect mother."

"You are gonna be a great father. When are we gonna get married?"

"I mean, we can skip the engagement stuff, and that huge wedding thing. We can just go to city hall and sign some papers, then, boom, we're married."

"I really want to have a wedding, though. I want to look back on that day and think, 'That was the best day of my life. The day I married Eijiro Kirishima.'"

"We can have a full blown wedding, then. I want to see you walk down the isle in a beautiful wedding dress."

"Let's do that, then." She kisses my forehead. "I'm gonna go get some ice-cream. My pregnancy cravings are calling." I laugh.

"Alright. I'm gonna change the channel, that okay?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

My girlfriend leaves, and I change the channel to a movie that I like.

After a few minutes, I hear a scream.

"Eijiro!" My girlfriend yells. I immediately get up and run to the kitchen, tripping once in the process. Once I get there, my girlfriend looks at me with a panicked expression. She's breathing heavily and fast.

"I think my water broke."

Those 5 words are enough to make me panic.

I run to her, picking her up and running out the door. I go to my car, slowing down to gently place her in the passenger seat. I get in on the driver's side, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. I drive with one hand, my girlfriend death gripping my free one.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, just breathe." I tell her. She tries her best to calm down and breathe. "I-I thought we had another month?"

"Little over." She says. "I thought so, too." Sweat starts to form on her forehead.

"Hey, Baby, it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay." I tell her as gently as possible.

I pull into the hospital's parking lot, quickly getting out of the car and taking my girlfriend with me into the hospital. I rush to the front desk.

"Excuse me, my girlfriend is going into labor." I say, trying to keep calm. Some nurses rush up to me, putting my girlfriend onto a stretcher. Before she's taken off to a room, she yells one last thing to me.

"I love you, Eijiro."


I have been sitting in the waiting room for about an hour. I didn't join my girlfriend, because I pass out at the first sight of blood.

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