🍦Jealousy Does Crazy Things🍦

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uh oh sisters we already know where this headin
the beginning is practically just todoshima (i liiiiiiiiiiiiive)

Best Boi's POV-


The bell had finally rung. I can't wait to take a nap in my dorm. I let my head fall down on my desk. I hear a chuckle beside me. I look up and see Todoroki.

"Oh, hey, Todoroki! How can I help?" I greet. Todoroki's face flushes red.

"Uh, I just wanted to say, you look really cute with your hair down." He says.

"Aw, thank you! I didn't have time to put it up this morning, and I'm kinda self-conscious about it, so it means a lot!" I flash my (plus) ultra sharp teeth at Todoroki.

"Also, I was wondering if you maybe... wanted to go get ice-cream with me?" Todoroki asks. Then, Uraraka comes up out of nowhere.

"Are you asking him out on a date, Todoroki-kun?" Uraraka asks.

"I guess so..." Todoroki sighs. "Well? What do you say?" I think for a moment.

"Yeah! Just lemme go to my dorm to change out of the uniform and maybe put up my hair." I laugh a little.

"No, leave it down. I think it's cute." Todoroki smiles at me. I shyly smile back.

As I walk to my dorm, I think about what Bakugou would think of me going with Todoroki. He's gonna be gone for the next two weeks, due to a family thing, but I can't help thinking about it. He hates Todoroki.

Once I got to my dorm, I open the door and take off my uniform. I grab a baggy, vintage, American T-shirt from the 80s. It had something to do with Coca Cola. It's written in English, so I don't understand a lot of it. I get a pair of blue jeans to go with it.

I walk out to the front of the dorms to see Todoroki already there. He's wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and he has a sweatshirt tied around his waist.

"Hey, Todoroki!" I call to him.

"Ah, Kirishima. Ready to go?"

"Yup!" I smile goofily.


Todoroki and I got to the ice-cream place. When we entered, I saw the place was really nice. It was cool, and it had a nice red and green aesthetic, without it looking Christmas-y. We walked up to the counter.

"What do you want, Kirishima?" Todoroki asks me.

"Uhh, I'll go with regular strawberry."

"Alright." Todoroki smiles at me, then turns to the cashier. "One strawberry and one vanilla, please." Todoroki pulls out some money, and before he hands it to the cashier, I stop him.

"I can pay for mine, I have money."

"Kirishima, I'm the one who asked you out, I should pay. You don't have to prove your manliness to me. You're already the manliest guy I know." I blush at Todoroki's words.

"But, I don't want you to be wasting money on me..." I look away and mumble.

"Kirishima, you're worth every cent I'll spend on you, plus so much more." I pout slightly, but I don't say anything. Todoroki sighs. "How 'bout this. Next time, we split it. You pay half, and I'll pay half." I grin at the compromise.


I turn red, realizing I just confirmed that we'd be going on a second date.

We were handed our ice-creams, and we went to go sit down.

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