🍫Some Motherfucking Ice Cream🍫

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(loosely inspired by the kiribaku fanfic '11 Months and 17 Days', if you havent read it i totally recommend that you do, its a really good story with some of that amazing👌stockholm syndrome content)


Loving someone who has recently undergone a traumatic experience is difficult, but so worth it in the end. When Eijiro lets me touch him, it's an incredible feeling.

A touch from Eijiro is rare now, something no one, not even me, gets often. So, when he gives me permission to hug or hold hands with him, it feels so much more special.

Two weeks ago, Eijiro was rescued from the basement of some lunatic who held him captive for over a year. As I saw Eijiro walk out of the psycho's house, I had never seen him look worse.

All his muscles were gone. You could see his bones through the thin rags he wore. He was coated with dirt and blood, though bruises were also very prominent. His hair had grown past his shoulders and was black. The most horrifying thing to me, though, was the empty look in his eyes.

His eyes were completely devoid of life. There were heavy bags under his eyes, and they were also red, indicating he hadn't slept for a while and that was most likely due to crying. His lips and body were trembling violently. He wore a frown, along with tears streaking his dirt covered face.

When he saw me, he immediately walked over to me, despite what the police officers beside him said.

He looked me up and down and started crying heavily.

"You know what I really want right now?" He asked. A few tears had made their way out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"What?" I slightly smiled, knowing that he's now safe. After over a year of wondering whether or not Eijiro, the love of my life, my boyfriend and best friend, was alive or not, I now know he's safe, and I can hold and protect him in my arms. I want to hold him so tightly right now, and never let go. Because I know he'll be completely safe in my arms, I would never let anything happen to him.

"Some motherfucking ice cream."

That was a joke with us. Everytime we wanted to go on a date together, we'd just say we wanted some motherfucking ice cream. Then, we'd go do something as a date. Of course, that was before he went missing.

Ever since he was rescued, we've been trying to build him back up. Me, his friends, his family. We've been trying hard. But it's difficult when Eijiro refuses to talk about what he endured in that psycho's house, he won't really eat, he won't sleep, and he can't be touched by anyone but me. But he barely lets me touch him.

But this is all just a part of recovery.

"Katsuki?" Eijiro calls to me. Kaminari, Todoroki, Eijiro, and I are all gathered in the common area, watching a movie. It's a children's movie, just to make sure Eijiro will be fine. So, we're watching Mulan, his favourite Disney movie.


"Can I sit in your lap?" He asks.

"Of course."

Eijiro slowly crawls over to me and onto my lap. I hesitantly wrap my arms around him, waiting for some kind of reaction. When he doesn't do anything, I pull him closer to me and kiss his cheek.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you, too." He whispers back as he wraps his arms around my neck. His arms are extremely thin and bony, but I could care less. We're cuddling for the first time in over a year, and I couldn't be happier.

Eijiro buries his head in my neck, and deeply inhales through his nose. He's said that his favourite thing about being out of the basement is all the smells he took for granted and he missed. He said that he mainly missed the way I smell. Caramel and gunpowder.

"I missed you so much." Eijiro whimpers.

"I missed you, too. I'm sorry you had to go through all that." I rub his back.

"You still love me, right? Even though, now, I'm broken beyond belief and am far from the person you fell in love with?"

"Eijiro," I turn his face towards mine. "I will always love you. No matter how broken or far gone you may be, I will always stick by your side and love you."

"Thank you, Katsuki." Eijiro goes back to basically nuzzling me while breathing my scent. "It's unfair how good you smell."

I chuckle. I run my fingers through his freshly cut and dyed hair. We went to a hair stylist this morning and cut and dyed his hair there. He squeezed my hand the entire time, because being touched by strangers puts him on edge, as you'd expect.

Now that he's clean and his hair is red again, he's starting to act a bit more like himself, though I haven't seen him smile or laugh yet. He told me that he doesn't want to smile or laugh, because it's what made his kidnapper happy. So he needs a break.

I look at the clock and realize that I have to try and get Eijiro to eat dinner. I say try because Eijiro doesn't like eating. He's barely eaten anything since he was rescued. He drinks a lot of water, though.

"Hey, Eijiro. You think you're up to eating dinner?" I ask. He holds onto me tighter. I'm unsure if that's a yes or no.

"Yeah. Can you carry me?"

"Of course." I stand up slowly, not wanting to go too fast and alarm him. He really is as light as a feather. I never really realized how light 82 pounds is.

I take Eijiro into the kitchen, holding him with one arm as I get out some leftovers and reheat it. He holds onto me tightly.

"Why do you hold onto me so tightly?" I ask. His grip loosens. "No, no. There's nothing wrong with it, I just want to know."

"It's..." He holds on tight. "I don't want to let go of you. I feel like, if I let go, I won't be able to hold on again. That's what happened before I went missing. We hugged, I let go, then I went to the store. From there, I didn't get to hold onto you again."

"I understand. I guess I feel the same way. I don't want to let go of you in fear something will happen to you. I feel that, when you're in my arms, you're completely safe. Nothing bad can happen. Because I'm here."

"I feel safe when I'm with you."

"That's good." I smile. The microwave beeps and I pull out the food. I set Eijiro on the counter and try to feed him, like I've tried so many times. This time, though, he accepts it. He lets the food pass his lips, into his mouth. I smile wider.

When Eijiro gets done, I pick him up again.

"Good job, Eijiro. Thank you." I praise. He loosely wraps his arms around my neck and leans his head on my shoulder. I chuckle and go back to the common area, sitting where I was sitting before. Eijiro slowly starts to fall asleep. He's starting to trust me more, which I couldn't be more grateful for.


lemme know if yall want a part two or nah

also, bonus thing:

Eijiro was rescued 4 days ago. After spending those 4 days in the hospital, he was discharged today. I'm currently waiting for Eijiro to come back to the dorms.

Suddenly, something flops down next to me. I turn and see it's Eijiro. I smile.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi." He says back. "Whatcha eatin'?"


"Oh, man. It's been so long since I've had chocolate."

I break off a piece of my chocolate and hand it to Eijiro.

"Try some." I say. He puts it in his mouth and almost moans. I chuckle.

"I forgot how good chocolate was. Damn, I really took this for granted."

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