🎂A Life With You 🎂

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baku and kiri are like 20 in this, and there are no quirks

Blasty Bitch's POV-

I walk around the town, hoping to find something of interest.

God, why'd this town have to be so boring?

I continue looking around for hours, when I finally find something to look at. It was a little flower shop (thanks, Atacoowo).

My cousin is in the hospital, sick with pnuemonia, and my mom has been pestering me to get something for her. I think she won't mind a couple of flowers.

I walk into the small shop, and see it's filled with plants. A lot of plants. Plants everywhere. It's insane. I wonder how the person who maintains these plants keeps them alive, with the number of them.

"Audrey! Don't nip at me! It's rude." I hear a voice through all the flowers. I assume the person talking is scolding their dog or something.

I work my way through the maze of flowers and shit, and find a red haired man.

He was talking to a Venus Flytrap.

"I'm trying to feed you. With flies. I promise you, this will not turn into The Little Shop Of Horror. Despite your name."

"You named it?" I ask.

"Oh! Sorry, I don't get much business in the afternoons, I wasn't expecting anyone."

"How much business do you get, exactly?"

"Um, well, a lot, actually. It's mainly old ladies with gardens, though. They don't want to go out of town to get plants, so they come to me!" He flashes a bright, white smile. "Anyways, what did you need?"

"You do bouquets, right?" I ask as I inspect the leaf of a plant.

"Yes, I do! What flowers did you have in mind?"

"I dunno. Do you have, like, traditional bouquets?"

"Yes. Do you want me to get one of those for you?"


"Alright, just follow me to the front counter, please!" This guy starts walking to the back of the shop, and I follow. When we get to the counter, the guy goes to the back and comes out with a bouquet of flowers, and a packet of something.

"What's the packet for?" I ask.

"Oh, well, when you put the flowers in water, you can put this stuff in the water-" He shakes the packet. "And it'll help keep the flowers alive longer! It's complimentary."

"Oh. Cool. So, do you maintain all of these plants by yourself?" The guy puts the stuff on the counter and starts punching something into the cash register.

"Yeah. When I was little, I'd help my parents with the shop. They recently passed away. They left the store, and apartment above this, to me. So, I run it now." He sadly smiles.

"Do you want any help?" The red head looks at me.

"Are you asking to work here?"

"Well, I lost my job two weeks ago, and I moved out of my apartment that was literally falling on top of me. So, I'm a jobless man living with my parents. I just wanna get back on my feet. I don't want to turn into some 30 year old incel with no job, living in his parent's basement."

"Dude. Just 'yes' would've been good. I could use some help around the store. Oh, and the bouquet is five dollars." I pull out my wallet and hand him the money I owe. "If you want, I have a spare room in the upstairs apartment that you could use. Your efforts around the store would be enough and you wouldn't have to pay rent."

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