Got It

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guess who feels like starving themself for no goddamn reason other than they can and they have body dysmorphia

you fucking guessed it


and baku in this particular oneshot

dont fucking judge or hate me because of this im depressed and hungry and need severe help but forcing my problems onto fictional characters is a better coping mechanism than other things and its easier than asking for help

dont look at me that way

He a boi but has tits's POV-

Here we go again. With the random 'your body is fucking disgusting and you need to fix it by putting yourself through massive amounts of pain' thoughts.

Undiagnosed anorexia is fun.

The thing is, I know all the effects of starving yourself. I know what happens to your body. I know that the human body can go up to 3 weeks without food, but can die of a heart attack 2 weeks without food. I know what causes unusual coldness and exhaustion by just standing up. I know that being too skinny is not flattering.

Does that knowledge stop me, though? Of course not.

Luckily, my boyfriend, Kirishima, hasn't found out. That I starve myself and basically only have so much sex with him because it keeps me from being hungry and it burns calories.

So, that's what I'm doing right now. Walking on over to my boyfriend's house to have him fuck me.

When I get to his house, I let myself in, because I know his parents aren't home.

"Baaaaaabe!" I call. Kirishima comes bouncing down the stairs.

"Hey, there, Baby! How are you?" Kirishima quickly kisses me and walks over to his kitchen.

The pain in my gut is absolutely killing me and I need you to fuck me so it'll go away.

"Fine. You?"

"I'm good! You want anything to eat?"

"Nah, my mom always makes these huge ass meals and she demands us to eat all of it, so I'm still full from that."

"Bring some of that food over here. I love your mom's cooking, and my parents are too busy to cook."

"I'll definitely mention that to her." I chuckle. "Y'know, it's been a month and a half since you last did me."

"I dunno, Baby." He shrugs. "I'm just not in the exact mood."

"That's new. You're usually a horny teenager." I walk over to my boyfriend, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. "C'mon, Baby. I want you." I lightly kiss the back of his neck and his shoulders.

"Well, when you put it like that," Kirishima turns around and lifts me up, putting me on the counter. "I just can't resist."

I smile as I lean in to kiss him. I've never gotten tired of the feeling of his lips on mine. No matter how many times I kiss him, he still has that sweetness on his lips that make me want to beg for more of just a simple kiss. Kirishima has that effect on me.

I crack my eyes open, and they immediately lock with food. I pull away from the kiss.

"Can we take this to your room?" I ask, trying to sound as seductive as possible to mask my fear of some fucking tortilla wraps.

"Of course." Kirishima picks me up and carries me up the stairs to his room. Once we're there, he throws me onto the bed. I giggle as he crawls on top of me, sitting between my legs. "What's so funny, Baby?"

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