🎂bully bakahoe🎂

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That's it. I'm fed up and tired of this guy's shit. Yesterday, he basically almost gave me a concussion. I'm so tired of him.

Katsuki Bakugou. The biggest bully in school. He bullies just about everyone, and no one messes with him. I don't even think he has friends.

And it seems I'm his favourite target, since he hits me the hardest, bugs me the most, and makes me do his homework, which he doesn't do to anyone else. I'm special.

So, at the beginning of class, I put a bucket of water at the top of the door when I knew Bakugou would be coming into the classroom. The classic water bucket prank. I might get a suspension or detention for it, but it'd be worth it.

I intensely look at the door, waiting for Bakugou. And then, he comes.

He walks into the classroom, unsuspecting. And the next thing everyone knows is a bucket dropped on Bakugou's head and he's drenched in water. Everyone's silent as Bakugou growls and stomps out of the room, then we all burst out laughing.

When the teacher came in and asked why there was water on the floor, we said someone spilled their water bottle. He didn't question where Bakugou went.


I'm getting all of my stuff together so I can walk home. It's finally the end of the day. I think Bakugou went home, because I didn't see him for the rest of the day.

Just as I was thinking that, Bakugou's hand slams down on the locker next to mine, pinning me from behind. I tense up and refrain from jumping out of my skin.

"I know you set up that bucket." His voice says. My breathing slows, like it might help me survive this. Play dead. Well, I might not even have to 'play.'

I'm quiet as Bakugou slowly walks to my side, examining every slight movement I make. He leans on the locker next to mine and looks at me. I squeeze my eyes shut and swallow thickly.

He grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "I like your gut, princess."

This time, I don't refrain. I jump back, but lose my footing and fall on my ass. Luckily, my bag is closed, so no textbooks or papers fall out. Just hit my head on a locker.

"Fuck..." I mutter, rubbing my head. Tears well up in my eyes. I've always had a low pain tolerance. I bite my lip to stop myself from tearing up more.

"You good, kid?" Bakugou asks as he holds his hand out to me. I look up at him, searching for signs of mockery. Nothing. I slowly grab his hand, still very weary of him. He pulls me up, then pulls me very close to him. He puts his hand on my back, preventing me from moving. Not like I could, anyway.

"You should've seen the look on your face, princess." He whispers, smirking.

"If you didn't know, I'm a guy." I say, absolutely petrified.

"Oh, I know." He says. "You okay, though? Hit your head pretty hard." He runs his fingers through my hair, brushing over the place I hit my head, making me wince.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I wince again. Bakugou leans up and kisses my head. I freeze.

"How about I walk you home? We live on the same street." He suggests. I look up at him.

"Why are you being so nice? I thought you'd beat my ass."

"I like your courage. No one's ever had the gut to stand up to me before." He lifts my chin with his index finger. "I like you. You're brave. Stupid, but brave."

He suddenly pulls back and

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