🍦idk what this is🍦

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i know this is probably tmi but god i really want someone to fucking pull my hair and tell me to behave, any volunteers? (jk jk... unless?)


Being a submissive is fun.

I get basically anything I want (since Katsuki has a fuck load of cash), I can do whatever I want, and it's just great all around.

I think the best thing is that Katsuki is oblivious to the fact that I like him punishing me. I'll do something he doesn't like on purpose, and he'll say, "You're getting punished for that, princess." I'll usually fake a pout and whine and he'll get onto me, making my punishment worse. Then, he drags me to the play room and punishes me, putting me in an absolute bliss that he doesn't even know about.

And he wonders why I'm such a brat.

I'm currently waiting for Katsuki to get home from work, which is a boring endeavor. I've been horny out of my mind all day, and I just want him to get home so he can fuck me.

And, just my luck, he's on a call with someone when he gets home. He carries a couple grocery bags into the kitchen. I follow.

"Katsuki." I say, trying to get his attention. He must be on a call with someone important. "Katsuki."

He starts taking out some of the stuff from the bags. He puts a box of something on the counter. I get an idea.

I hop onto the counter and push the box off the edge onto the floor. Katsuki turns to look at me and I just swing my legs and look as innocent as possible. He bites his tongue.

"Can I call you back tomorrow? Thank you." He hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket, walking over to my place on the counter. "You wanna explain yourself, princess?"

"No, not really." I retort. He sighs and pulls me close to the edge.

"Let me rephrase that," he says. "Explain yourself. Now."

I refrain from smiling. I like it when he's rough with me and actually dominates me. "I wanted your attention."

He pauses, his eyes boring into me. "I was on a call with a very important client. And you wanted my attention."

"How was I supposed to know who you were on a call with?" I shrug.

"You're fucking lying, you knew I was on a call with someone important, didn't you?" He growls. I calmly shake my head. His hand immediately goes to my throat, squeezing. "Didn't you?"

"Okay, yeah," I say, he lets go. "You could've at least said hello to me."

He tilts his head back, sighing. "There are two things that I take very seriously. My job and my romantic relationships. I do not tolerate one interfering with the other, you know this, correct?"

I nod and pout.

"Usually, it's my job trying to interfere with our relationship. But it's the other way around this time." He combs his fingers through my hair. "And you know what that means, correct?"

Never in my life have I actually been scared of a punishment.

"Princess," Katsuki snaps in my face. "I asked you a question, you are to answer it."

"Punishment." I quickly respond. "It means punishment."

"Yeah, good boy." He praises, making me straighten my posture. "Now, are you going to continue to be a good boy and make this easier on yourself, or are you going to try to retaliate?"

I gulp. Once again, I've never been scared of a punishment before. Of course, he's not going to actually hurt me. The most that will happen is I'll wake up with bruises somewhere on my body tomorrow morning, and I'm fine with that. Wouldn't be the first time.

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