🎂No, Silly🎂

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imma kinda spoil this, but i just need some things to be cleared up

kiri is turned into a small child in this. i couldnt find much information on what kiri was like as a small five year old, it was mainly his middle school years and how he got his scar, so i just came up with what i think he was like as a little five year old

so yeah. enjoy fuckers

Bakuuuuuuu's POV-

Class was going to start. Kirishima isn't here. Neither is Aizawa.

"Where the fuck is Kirishima?" I ask Pinky, Pikachu, and Tape Bitch.

"We were going to ask you. We have no idea." Pinky says. The school bell rings. Kirishima still isn't here, nor any teachers.

After a few minutes of class already being started, Aizawa walks in. He's mumbling something about not getting paid enough. He's holding a small child with black hair in his arms. The child his head buried in Aizawa's shoulder.

"Okay, everyone, shut up. Before Bakugou asks, this is Kirishima." Aizawa places the child on the floor. "He got hit by a quirk that turns him into a five year old. I have a lot of paperwork to do because of this, so you all get a free day. Take care of Kirishima. If you make him cry, you get a detention. He's very sensitive, so be careful." Aizawa sits down at his desk.

Everyone gets up and rushes to him. I stay seated. As much as I want to go to him, I know he'll be overwhelmed. And he'll probably be scared of me. I pull out my phone and start to mess around on it.

I've been playing around on my phone for a good few minutes, but then I feel something tug at my pantleg. I look down and see Kirishima on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong?" I ask as gentle as possible.

"C-Can you pick me up?" He asks. I oblige. I pick him up and place him on my lap. I use my thumb to wipe away the tears that had already fallen.

"Are you alright?"

"I-I just don't like being around that many people." Kirishima nuzzles his face into my chest. I gently pet his hair.

"Yeah. I figured." I smile. I didn't think I'd like kid Kirishima this much.

"WAIT! WHERE DID KIRISHIMA GO?!" Pinky yells. I feel Kirishima tense up. He tightly grips my shirt, and I realize that he's about to cry.

"Guys!" I whisper yell. "Quiet down! He's sensitive to loud noises, you'll make him cry!" I slowly pet Kirishima's hair to try and help calm him down. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay."

Everyone is staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You're... actually... caring for him?" Pikachu questions.

"Well, someone has to. With how you all surrounded him, you obviously have no regard for how he feels." I explain. Kirishima tugs at my shirt.

"C-Can I color?" He stutters.

"Of course. Do want to go up to Aizawa together to get some paper?" I calmly ask. He nods. I stand up with Kirishima in my arms, and go up to Aizawa's desk.

"Do you have any paper?" I ask him. Aizawa sighs and pulls out two pieces of paper and a pack of crayons. I decide not to question why he has crayons, and pick them up.

"Thank you." Kirishima says. Aizawa looks up from his paperwork, and smiles slightly. Not a creepy smile, but a gentle one. I go back to my desk and sit down, positioning Kirishima on my lap. I place the papers and crayons on my desk, and Kirishima starts to draw.

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