🎂An Upset Kirishima🎂

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Thotsuki's POV-

"Hey, Shit Hair! I'm coming in!" I yell as I open the door to Kirishima's dorm.

"Nonononono-" I hear frantic whisper yelling. I open the door fully to see Kirishima on his bed, surround by balled up tissues, puffy, red eyes, and tears streaking his face.

"What... happened?" I hesitantly asked.

"Nothing, just... let me get this cleaned up." He says just above a whisper. He sniffles, then picks up a few of the tissues. He throws them in the trash.

"Yeah, clean this up so I can sit down and talk to you about what's up."

"Why did you come in here, exactly?" Kirishima whispers.

"Jeez, can't I just hang out with the only person who doesn't drive me completely insane?"

"Yeah, you're right... it was a... stupid question." He picks up the last of the tissues and throws them away. He rubs hand sanitizer on his hands.

"No, it's not. I'm just an asshole." I say, plopping down on the bed. "So, what's up?" I pat the spot next to me, gesturing for him to sit down, as he's still standing up. Kirishima stays standing.

"You shouldn't have to worry about it, really. It doesn't matter to you." He wipes his tears away.

"And saving me from villains matters to you?"

"Well, yeah. You're my best friend-" Kirishima tries to whisper, but I hold up a finger.

"Whenever I have nightmares, it matters to you?"

"Yeah, of course. You're-"

"This is just like when I have nightmares. Yeah, I could get through it by myself, but it'd be harder that way. Whatever's happening now, it's the same thing. But, I don't think you can do it alone. So, come on. If I'm really your best friend, you'll talk to me."

"You shouldn't worry, it's just me being sensitive."

"Yet you worry about me."

"That's different! I worry about everyone! Some more than others. But, no one should have to worry about me. I'm here for support. I encourage the class and I lift their spirits. I'm not the one everyone worries about. I don't want to be that one..." Tears fill Kirishima's eyes.

"Kirishima, come here."

"Fuck, I'm so sorry. I'm so weak, you shouldn't see me like this."


"I don't know why you're friends with me. You're so much better, and I just exist. Shit, this is so unmanly."


Kirishima whips his head to look at me.

"Come here." I command. He stays still, letting tears accumulate in his eyes. I gently grab his hand and pull him to me, picking him up and setting him on my lap. I bring him close to me, holding him tightly, letting him cry. Quietly and reassuringly shushing him when sobs escape his mouth.

"You are not weak. You are not unmanly. You have so many things I could only dream of having." I say.

"Like what?"

"The ability to talk to people. Your quirk would be awesome to have. Your manliness. Your personality in general, really." I softly pet his hair. "I envy you. I don't have those things. But you do. And you make up for what I lack."

"You-" Kirishima sniffles. "You really think so?" I nod.

"Now, what's going on?"

"Actually, nothing. I'm having a depressive episode. It's been going on for the past two days."

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