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dunno where this is going, but this is apology for the last chapter

btw this is kind of inspired by a oneshot in a kiribaku book by BNHA_OBSESSED, so if you havent read that book, you totally should, its got some pretty good angst 👌

Blasty McSplodes POV-

"It's not that big of a deal, Kacchan." Deku says to me.

"Yes, it is! He revealed private information about our band! Fuck!" I yell. "Everyone's gonna go fucking nuts about this! Either they're gonna judge us, or fangirl over it."

"Kacchan, really, it doesn't matter. We don't care what they think."

"Deku, do you fucking understand? I could care less if someone hates or loves our music, or what people think of us. This isn't about our reputation, it's about privacy!" I continue to shout. "People don't need to know our personal relationships, like you and Half n' Half dating!"

"Bakugou, I know you're upset, but we just have to get over it. I know, you want privacy. It's important. But, you guys are famous, now. Things like this are gonna happen." Kirishima tries to reason with me. I grumble and sit down in the chair placed in the corner of the studio. Deku put it there for when I needed to calm down. Deku and Peppermint Bastard call it my time out chair.

"Wow, Kirishima, you do it everytime, but I'm always amazed that you're able to do that." Deku says.

"It is pretty impressive. He's pretty difficult sometimes." Peppermint says.

"Mm, I don't find him that difficult." Kirishima says, then he starts walking to me. When he gets to me, he starts rubbing my back. "Hey, could you come back? We really need to record this song, we're on a deadline."

"Yeah, sure." I mumble and stand up, walking back over to Deku and that bastard.

"Hey, Kirishima?" Deku stops whispering to Half n' Half, and I know what he's gonna say next. We had been talking about it for a few weeks, and I was really on board for it.


"We know you've kind of hit a rough patch with your apartment, with everything breaking down, and your landlady not doing anything about it, and your rent suddenly going up. So, we were wondering if you wanted to move in with us? Honestly, having our manager living with us would most likely be beneficial, and you could calm down Kacchan!" Deku explains, cheerfully.

"I don't know, guys, I'd rather not be a burden to you all. And I feel like it'd be kinda awkward." Kirishima's face turns red, and my heart shatters at his saddened face.

"Y'know, it was originally Kacchan's idea. The day you told us what had happened with your living situation, we were having dinner, and Kacchan mentioned, and thought it was a good idea." Deku smiles. "If Kacchan thinks something like that is a good idea, then it probably is!"

"Bakugou... did you really?" Kirishima tilts his head as I look away and blush.

"Yeah, whatever. We have an extra room you could use."

"Well, I'll think about it. But, right now, we need to record this song! Get to your instruments, assholes!" Kirishima says and smiles. We all do what he said.


"Hey, have a good night, you guys!" Kirishima waves.

"Wait! What do you say about living with us?" Deku asks.

"Yeah, I'd rather not. I'd be too much of a burden." Kirishima scratches the back of his neck. I walk up to him, grabbing his arm and roughly dragging him away from our friends.

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