(Actual) Happy Love Story

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alternative ending to "Happy Love Story"
because im sorry

Kiribabe's POV-

"No!" I say. "After what you said to me?! You think I want to reason with you? Bullshit! I poured my heart to you, and you stamp on it like it's some piece of trash! The worst part is, I still fucking love you. Why? No idea! I hate your guts! If I was given a chance to kill you, I probably wouldn't hesitate." I sigh. "But I still fucking love you."


"Your total is $42.56. Give me the money and leave." I say, holding back tears. Bakugou hands me 45 dollars and leaves.


"So, you dropped out of U.A., because Bakugou rejected your feelings and said he deserved someone better?" One of my co-workers questioned. All of my co-workers are gathered around me. Because of my little outburst with Bakugou, they found out I knew him, and they wanted information.

"Pretty much. I used to be a nice guy. But, then, Bakugou happened. Honestly, best disaster in my life." I finish off my drink and throw it in the recycling bin. "Breaks over, guys. We gotta get back to work." They all groan, but get up anyway.

"Yeah, so, he's getting married, but it's obvious he's gonna divorce her." The bagger I was working with started talking to me about one of her friends. Someone came up to the register and put their things on the belt. I slide it down to check the items out. "What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know. Tell it to him straight, but be nice about it. Like, tell him divorce is a lot of paperwork." I respond, mindlessly checking out the items.

"He likes jokes! I'll tell him that!" She says. "Thanks!" I hum in response.

"Hm, still got some humor in you, huh, Kiri?" I hear a familiar voice say. I look up and see Mina, Denki, Sero, and Bakugou.

Of course.

"Hey, Kala, tell me about something going on with some celebreties." I ask the bagger.

"But you hate when I ramble on about that stuff." She mumbles.

"Well," I chuckle. "Not right now. Ramble away, my friend."

Kala opens her mouth to say something, but Bakugou cuts her off.

"When's your next break, Kiri?" He asks.

"Negetive 5 minutes." I respond as I check out some cookies. Kala laughs. Bakugou gives me a look of confusion. "My break ended 5 minutes ago."

"Oh. That makes sense." Bakugou sighs. "Hey, Kala, right? Could you cover for Kiri? I need to talk to him."

"I dunno. Our boss will get really mad. Maybe I can-" I shoot Kala a look of 'Don't.' "Nevermind. We'll get in trouble."

"Then, can you at least leave? I really, really need to talk to him." Bakugou pleads. Before I can give Kala any kind of dirty look, she speaks.

"Yeah, sure. I gotta go tell my friend about divorce paperwork." She starts to leave. "Bye, Kiri!"

"Shit, now I'm left to bag things on my own." I mumble, then start checking out and bagging.

"Kiri, what I said that day was wrong, a-" Bakugou begins.

"Y'know, you all bought a lot. I'm assuming this will total to around a hundred bucks." I double bag some eggs. "Gotta tip me if I'm right." I try to make the normal conversation I make with normal customers.

"Can you please let me spe-"

"Oh, would you look at that!" I say after I scan and bag the last item. "$95.50! Gotta tip me, now."

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