🍫Marlboro Nights🍫

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part 2 to 'bubblegum'


I don't wanna go to school tomorrow,
I can't study

Bakugou gets done packing. He looks over at his clock, and he has an hour before he has to take off for his flight. He grabs his suitcases and takes them to the living room. He goes back to the bedroom, where his (now) ex-boyfriend is sleeping. Bakugou shakes his shoulder to wake him. "Hey, babes, I wanna make dinner for you one last time." Bakugou smiles. His ex-boyfriend slowly gets up to go to the kitchen. Despite making dinner, and having a conversation with someone, all he could think about was seeing Kirishima.

Thinking about you.
And you know I always do.

I don't wanna go to sleep tonight,
When I can stay up

Kirishima didn't get any sleep last night. Luckily, he has the next two weeks off. He'll get to spend so much time with Bakugou. They'll be able to catch up with each other. He wonders what Bakugou has been up to. How he's changed. Kirishima hasn't changed much, other than the fact that he's stopped putting his hair up, and maybe a couple more scars on his arms. Despite being preoccupied with some extra paperwork, all Kirishima could think about was seeing Bakugou.

Thinking about you.
And you know I always do.

Marlboro nights.

Bakugou gets off of the plane, going into the airport. He really hopes to see Kirishima and some of his other friends. It's probably not going to happen, but he really wants Deku and Todoroki to be there. He really wants to apologize.

You said you would.

Kirishima scans the airport for a tuft of familiar blonde hair. Sero, Mina, Denki, Deku, and Todoroki all start looking, too. They had been looking for ten minutes, and there had been nothing. Kirishima was starting to lose hope. Then, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.

Marlboro nights.

"Surprise." Bakugou whispers in Kirishima's ear. Kirishima turns around and almost starts crying at the sight of Bakugou. Bakugou is shocked when Kirishima, all of a sudden, leans up and kisses him. Bakugou's not shocked for long, as he soon melts into the kiss. "I'm sorry I never told you how I felt when I had the chance. I wish I didn't have to wait seven years just to do that." Kirishima apologizes. "I'm sorry, too. I didn't have the courage to tell you."

You said you would.

Bakugou pulls away from Kirishima, and turns to the group behind him. "Todoroki, De- Midoriya. I'm sorry for how I acted when we were kids. It was... uncalled for. I'm really sorry." Bakugou says. He seemed to be genuinely sorry. "Oh, it's fine, Kacchan. We should all get to work before we're fired." Deku laughs. "Except you Kirishima. I hope you enjoy your break with Kacchan!"

I don't wanna go to school tomorrow,
I'm too tired.

Bakugou and Kirishima had just gotten back to they're apartment from the airport. Bakugou immediately goes to his room, and sees everything is where he left it. Kirishima stands in the doorway. "So, your arms?" He asks. "Oh, yeah. The tattoos. Do you recognize the one on my left arm?" Bakugou asks. "It's my favorite flower." Kirishima smiles and curls a strand of hair behind his ear. "Yep. The one on my right is the favorite flower of my ex-boyfriend." Kirishima goes over and trails his fingers along Bakugou's arms. "Oh! Can I show you my sketch book?"

I don't wanna go to sleep tonight,
I'll see the fire.

We've had too many

"Hey, Kirishima!" Bakugou calls. Kirishima comes out of his room to see what Bakugou wanted. "Wanna go to the gas station with me?" He asked. Kirishima tilted his head, but said yes anyway. "Hey, thanks for coming out with me. Get anything you want, I'll pay." Bakugou says. Kirishima goes to the freezer section and gets a soda. He goes back to Bakugou to see him with a pack of cigarettes. Kirishima gives him a confused look. "Yeah, I know, it's gross. Really, I'm trying to quit. Marlboro Gold's are low nicotine cigarettes, so I'm trying to lessen the amount of nicotine I need in a day."

Marlboro nights.
You said you would.

Ever since that first night of them going to the gas station together, it became a habit. Every so often, Kirishima and Bakugou would go and get Bakugou cigarettes together. And Bakugou has been really trying to quit. He's been able to have less smokes a day, and he's really happy about that. Kirishima has been cheering him on. The man who Bakugou is trying to quit for is cheering him on. Bakugou really wants to have a good life with Kirishima. A long one, too.

Marlboro nights.
You said you would.

Bakugou had taken Kirishima to a park to clean up trash. Bakugou told Kirishima that Japan had considerably less trash than New York, but it was still there. Bakugou also told him that he joined an organization that picked up trash in parks in America. Kirishima really liked that he had done that. When Kirishima told Bakugou he was proud of him, Bakugou was beaming.

Once they were done picking up trash, Bakugou threw his full pack of cigarettes into the trash bag as well.

"Where it belongs." Bakugou says, then kisses Kirishima.


if you can find out why i had baku specifically smoke marlboro gold, i will love you forever

hope you liked this

*in the distance*

im still sorry in advance

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