🍫Each Other's Serotonin🍫

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im gonna try my best with this if you see any medical inaccuracies please let me know and correct me💜💜


"Let's start with what we always start with." My therapist sighs. "Have you been taking your medication?"

"Pff, no."

"Bakugou, I know you don't like taking your medication, but you need to if you want to be a hero."

"Lithium carbonate tastes terrible."

"As does most medication. But you still have to take it."

"Y'know," I put my elbow on my knee and rest my chin in my hand. "I read somewhere that therapists have to try really hard with people like me because we have really unlikable personalities." My therapist pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Bakugou, we talked about the manipulation."

"Haha. Jokes on you. I don't remember that."

"Well, do you remember what we talked about last week?"

"How to build meaningful relationships with people and how it's wrong to use people as a ladder."

"Exactly." He looks at his clipboard, then to me. "Bakugou, you recently got into U.A., and I am so proud of you. But, you're gonna have to learn those things to be successful. Believe or not, you're gonna want friends later on in life."

"Haha. Jokes on you. I already have a friend." I realize what I just said. "Shit."

"Really?" He sounds and looks surprised. "Are you manipulating them, or using them in any way?"

"No. I mean, there hasn't been any opportunity to do so, so I guess not."

"Mhm. Do you enjoy their company and having them around?"

"He's annoying as fuck, but he's cool. He's the only person that doesn't piss me off. At least not like those extras."

"First, we talked about calling people 'extras.' Second, you didn't refer to your friend as an extra, which is good. And, third, this is huge. Bakugou, do you know how huge this is? This is amazing."

"Oh, shut up. Me getting a friend isn't newsworthy."

"It kind of is." He writes something down on the paper on his clipboard. "Where do you see this friendship headed? Do you think you'll form a healthy bond with him, or do you see yourself using him?"

"I don't know... I've only known him 2 weeks. But... I guess I do like him. He's decent."

"Okay, let's come back to that topic later, m'kay?" He shifts in his seat. "How have your parents been doing with the parenting classes?"

"Awkward. Their definition of 'parenting' is awkwardly patting me on the head before they leave for work. But, hey, I don't have to make my own dinner every night. And they actually pay attention to me."

"Are they making you take you medication?"

"Yeah, but I just spit it into the sink."

"Blunt, aren't we?"

"One of the differences between psychopaths and sociopaths is psychopaths will pretend they have interest in you. Sociopaths make it clear they don't want to have anything to do with you." I scoff and roll my eyes. "Guess which one I am."


Aizawa was in the middle of another boring ass lecture when his phone rings. That's how the staff here communicate, through their own personal devices.

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