🍦Switched Personalities🍦

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something i sent to my girlfriend^^^


I've been having a not-so-good day. My alarm broke and I woke up late. I literally had to run to get to class. Upon entering the classroom, I tripped and fell right on my face. We had a pop quiz about something I couldn't understand at all and I most definitely failed that quiz. I'm hungry and tired, and I have a really bad headache from tripping.

Worst if it all, I woke up in a bratty mood.

No, I did not mean bad. I meant bratty. Allow me to explain.

Katsuki and I have been dating a little less than a year. Now, when you combine horny teenagers and a relationship, things happen. To be exact, those 'things' are sex, discovering kinks, and trying out those kinks.

That's exactly what Kat and I did. We got into a relationship, we fucked after a few months of being in a relationship, discovered kinks we had, then tried them out.

But, one thing I discovered about ourselves through experimenting and shit, is that we are the exact opposite of our normal selves in the bedroom. Katsuki is a really soft dom, and he's not afraid to admit that, surprisingly. And then there's me, the bratty bottom.

Katsuki, when we're alone and I feel like being a brat, barely ever yells at me or says harsh words. Usually, he's more kind. Example, if I'm being too loud, Kat will say "I need you to be quiet for me." or "Can you quiet down for me, please?" in a very soft tone of voice. It always makes me shut up because it's so unlike his normal self and it takes me off guard.

So, yeah. Kat and I switch personalities when we're alone. Which is very interesting to watch.

But, anyways, my not-so-good day. I don't see it getting better anytime soon.

"Hey, Baby, how're you feeling?" A hand softly massages my shoulder. Cue soft dom Katsuki. He knows something is up, so he doesn't bother asking if I'm alright, he just goes straight for it. He is so soft with me. God, he really doesn't deserve a brat like me.

"Fine." I shake Katsuki's hand off and pout.

"Baby, speak clearly, please."

"I'm feeling fine." I hiss. I huff and lean back in my chair.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" Katsuki runs his fingers through my unstyled hair, since I didn't have time to put it up this morning.

"Nothing, because I'm feeling fine." I flash an obviously fake smile, then go back to brooding. Katsuki walks away.

A few minutes later, Katsuki comes back. He stands behind me and starts brushing my hair with a comb.

"I asked Momo for a hairband and some bobbypins. I'm gonna put your hair in a ponytail, alright?" He says. I roll my eyes and 'tch,' but allow him to put my hair up.

Once he's done, he claps his hands together.

"There. Perfect." Katsuki says in a very soft voice. That voice brings me to my knees- literally, sometimes. "You look gorgeous, my little fireball."

You'd expect Katsuki to have the nickname 'fireball,' but instead I have it. He gave it to me when I was being acceptionally difficult.

"Wow. You're like a little ball of fire. Ready to burn anything in your path. How about that?"

I think Katsuki forgets himself when he's dealing with me, because he, too, is ready to burn everything in his path.

"You are, too, y'know." I huffed.

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