🍫🍦Want What You Can't Have🍦🍫

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got this idea from listening to 'Broken' by DNMO and Sub Urban (same guy who sang cradles), and 'Parents' by YUNGBLUD

i also have this announcement thing at the end, so you should probably read that

He's the best character in mha's POV-

Bakugou lights his cigarette (ew), and puts it up to his mouth. He takes it away, balencing the cigarette between his index and middle finger. He puffs out the smoke he got from the literal death stick.

"Y'know, you shouldn't smoke so much." I tell Bakugou.

"That's what you say to me while we're panting from sex? Wow. Plus, 's not like you actually care, Shitty Hair." Bakugou huffs. But, he's got a point. I shouldn't talk about his bad habits right after we had sex.

"But... I do care."

Bakugou turns on his side, puffing some more smoke.

"I hope you know and understand that we're just fuck buddies. We're not friends. You don't care about me. I'm just the person you fuck to release tension."

"You say that like that's all you are in life."

"Whatever. Am I spending the night here, or do you want me to go back to my apartment?"

"Well, that's up to you. Your apartment is literally right next to mine." I turn on my side, putting my hand under my pillow. I hear Bakugou sigh and turn around. Soon, his arms are wrapped around me in his best attempt to spoon me. I say 'best attempt' because Bakugou is considerably shorter than me.

I feel him nuzzle my back, his hair slightly tickling me. He lightly kisses over the scratch marks he made on my back.

I have no idea why, but Bakugou always does this when I'm upset, whether we just had sex or not. I find it strange, because he always says that we're not friends, I shouldn't care about him, but he strangely cares about me.

"Go to sleep, Eijiro." Bakugou whispers. He kisses one more scratch mark, then rests his forehead on my back. I allow my eyes to close, and I slowly drift off.


I wake up to find Bakugou's arms still around me. Which is weird, because, when he spends the night, I'm always met with an empty bed.

Despite every single atom in my body telling me not to, I sit up and shake Bakugou awake.

"What the hell, Shitty Hair? Why are you in my fuckin' room?" He asks while rubbing his eyes. He's so cute when he's tired like this.

"First, we're still in my room, buddy." I start. "Second, if we don't get up now, we'll be late for work."

"Oh, fuck." Bakugou curses. He gets up, grabbing his clothes that were thrown onto the floor. He puts on his boxers and pants, then leaves. I get out of bed, getting my clothes.

It's quite convientant that Bakugou and I live in the same apartment complex, and that we work in the same factory. I drive Bakugou with me to work, we go to the grocery store together, stuff like that.

"'Ey, Shitty Hair, hurry up!" I hear Bakugou yell. I grab my lunch and step out. Bakugou and I get to my car, beginning to the trek to the job we both absolutely, utterly hate.

The factory we work at isn't the nicest place. In the summer, the factory building is always hotter than the outside, and, in the winter, the building is always colder than the outside. How is that possible? No idea.

Our co-workers are idiots, and our supervisers are bigger idiots. Not to mention, the job is just tiring. Working with pieces of plastic and making sure those pieces of plastic don't have so much as a small mark on them.

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