lets start a riot

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Cries of pain.

It's horrible seeing all this stuff going on.

It's horrible we had to get to the point of starting fires and destroying property but I guess that's the only shit they'll listen to.

It'll change when the police start getting hurt. Because those damn uniform wearing pricks with a superiority complex worse than my own obviously matters more than the lives of millions at risk.

So here I am. Fuck the system, I'm gonna change it.

Standing on the top of a police car, I chant the the words, the names, with everyone else. I stomp my foot on the roof of the car, making louder noises. The windows were already broken.

I'm wearing a handkerchief over my face, along with a hat covering my hair, to avoid later identification. I'm wearing black basketball shorts with a blue shirt. In my hand holds a sign saying BLM and listing the names of many of the victims of police brutality.

I hear songs playing in the distance. A couple fires surround me here and there. It the most punk thing I've ever fucking seen.

Suddenly, I see the police starting to move in, becoming increasingly violent to the protesters. I jump off the car and start running with everyone else.

I feel and a heavy object hit the side of my head, near my eye, making me go down immediately.

Rubber bullet.

I lay on the ground, in so much fucking pain I can't move. I see people laying around me and I sigh, knowing I can't help them. The sight in my left eye started blurring, and I pass out.


I wake up. All I see is a white ceiling and I'm confused. Then I see someone standing over me. Red haired, big and rather muscular.

"Hi! I'm Kirishima. We found you at the protest and we're running a kind of clinic for those hurt by the protests so everyone can save more money. Can you tell us why you were passed out?" He asked. His voice was rather smooth and comforting.

"Rubber bullet." I mumbled. My head was fucking pounding and I couldn't stand it. Then I realized something.

I can't fucking see out of my left eye.

I swear, if those fuckers permanently blind me in one eye, they'll have hell to pay.

Kirishima nodded. "I see."

"I can't."


"I can't see out of my left eye."


Kirishima called someone else over. They inspected me and said it might be permanent. I'd have to go to a hospital for a proper evaluation.

"Well, how do you expect me to fucking drive when I have this stupid headache and can't see out of an eye?" I asked the stranger.

"I can drive you." Kirishima said. I looked over at him.

"Guess I have no damn choice. Alright." I sighed. Kirishima helped me up and started walking me out to his car. I see all the injured people around us. Some were even bleeding heavily. It made me sick to my stomach that the force that was supposed to protect us did this.

So we went to the hospital. Guess who most likely lost sight in one eye.

I'm not getting it fixed. This is my battle scar. This will be what forever shows others the hurt that can be done by those in power.

This is for all those who had to die for this cause.

~10 years later~

"Dad, papa." One of out little girls called out.

Eijirou and I had become close friends after the riots. It was confirmed I lost all vision from my left eye, but I'm glad I was able to make the sacrifice of my vision for those who sacrificed their life.

Soon, we became boyfriends, then fiance, then husbands. Now we have two little girls and a nearing-teenage boy.

"How did you two meet?" Our daughter asked. Me and Eijirou exchanged looks.

We started explaining everything about the protests, including how I lost my vision. I think our love story was a remarkable one.


just wanted to make something in respect of the riots and such, the people who can go to those have my heart💞💞

if you do not support BLM, then you have every fucking right to leave babe

*throws a bunch of loose change at you*
keep the change ya filthy animal

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