🍦You're a Fucking Bottom🍦

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is it possible to gain love and affection without the emotional commitment

bc i want a relationship, but i dont want to put any work into it, nor do i want the other person putting work into it bc work means emotional attachment

i just want love, guys. but theres like no guy in my school to fuckin love me cuz im not a real fuckin boy, nor do i even closely pass as one

god i really want some fuckin pizza rolls rn

I really do his pov too much but its bc I love him's POV-

"Bakugou," I start. I'm laying on his bed, him next to me. We're both messing around on our phones. "Are you a top or a bottom?"

"I'm a top, duh."

I look at him incredulously. "Are you sure?"

"Uh, yeah. Are you doubting me, Shitty Hair?"

"Well, kind of."

"Well, I'm not a fuckin' bottom, I can tell ya that."

"I think you're forgetting the time you told me to come to your room, and when I got there, you were wearing an over-oversized sweater." I look at him. "That's like, mega bottom energy."

"So I'm not allowed to be comfortable?"

"Katsuki, you weren't wearing pants. You had boxers on and that was it."

"So I'm just not allowed to be comfortable, is that it?" He raises his voice. "I trust you enough, like it matters. And you're pretending that we haven't used the showers at the same time after training."

"That's different. So you trust me enough to not wear pants around me?"

"Are you really going to act like you haven't seen me with less clothes on? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you've seen my dick."

"Oh my god, stop!" I sigh. "You say you're not a bottom but you sure as hell act like one."

"Whatever," he flops down on his bed. "You radiate bottom energy when you have your hair down."

I gasp. "I do not!"

"You're right. You have switch energy." He does something on his phone. "But, really, I can't see you sticking your dick in someone while your hair is down."

"How can you say that about your best friend so nonchalantly?!" I almost yell.

"You're my best friend, I'm comfortable with you."

"Okay, but please don't talk about my dick."

He sighs. "So, what are you? A top, switch, or bottom?"

I go silent and stare at the ceiling.

"You have to say something." He smirks.

"Okay, maybe, I'm a switch. I don't know how what I would be at that moment depends on my hairstyle, but I guess it does."

Bakugou sits up. "I'm gonna be honest, if I was in a relationship with you, I'd make you, like, take a shower or something before sex if I was topping, because I just couldn't fuck you with your hair up."

"Why not?"

"Well, I don't know. Just me, I guess. But you do look more like a bottom with your hair down. And you do look cute."

"Awww, Katsuki thinks I'm cute." I laugh and nudge him with my elbow.

"Kirisunshine, everyone thinks you're cute."

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