for me (pure angst)

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oof the last one wasnt angsty enough to rid me of these disgusting feelings, so here's some pure angst with no happy ending

warnings: depressed kiri, suicide note, suicide, self harm, sad baku     :(

A Precious Baby Boy's POV-

I shut my door, relieved to get away from people. I rub my cheeks to stop the pain from smiling too much. I fall face first onto my bed. I sigh.

I lift my head up slightly to look at my bedside table.

Maybe... just one or two won't hurt.

I grab the sharp piece of metal and roll up my sleeve. I press the blade against my already scarred and cut skin. I push and draw blood. I swipe the metal across my skin once more.

I must've gotten lost in the moment, because I don't remember making seven deep cuts on my skin. The new cuts are overlapping the old cuts and scars. I grabbed some disinfectant and a cotten swab from my bedside table.

Once my cuts were cleaned and bandaged, I took a nap.


"What do you think, Kiri?" Mina asked.

"Umm..." Mina rolls her eyes and sighs.

"We were all talking about going to the pool after school. You wanna come?" Mina explains.

"I'd rather not."

"Awe, c'mon! It won't be the same without you!" She punched my shoulder lightly.

"Mm, I got homework to catch up on."

"Alright. If you change your mind, you know who to call." Mina walks away. Finally.

"Hey, Shitty Hair."

Fucking fantastic.

"Wow, engaging a conversation first." I say, boredom obvious in my voice.

"Hey. Being mean is my job." Bakugou crosses his arms. "What's up with you? You're never mean."

"What's it to you." I stare at him.

"Jesus, fuck, fine. Be that way." Bakugou walks away.

He's right, though. It's not like you to be mean. Just put up that facade, and act like you're alright. If you don't, someone's gonna notice. Then, you'll have to get-

I shake my head to stop the thoughts. I stop them before they can get to that one word I hate. I never want to hear it. Because it's always someone telling me I need it. But I don't want it. I may need it, but that doesn't matter.

"Eijiro Kirishima!" I hear Mina yell. I look in her direction. I see everyone is looking at me. I immediately go beet red. "You've been staring out that window, looking at nothing, for the past ten minutes! I've been screaming your name for the past five." She sighs. I want her to stop yelling, it hurts my ears.

"U-Uh... you're getting off topic..." Deku says from behind Mina. "Aizawa-sensei wants to talk to you in the hall." I sigh, getting up, gathering my things, and going to the hall, leaving the classroom.

"Ah, Kirishima." Aizawa says once I close the door. "I want to talk to you about your recent... behavior."

Oh shit

"Bakugou told me a few minutes ago about how you've been acting lately. That it's not you. He's worried."


"Honestly, I am, too. You're not yourself. You're quieter in class. Productivity in class has gone down, I can tell from your classwork. You're putting barely any effort into training. Just enough to keep you alive."

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