🎂Class's Gay Witch🎂

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"Bakugou!" The teacher yells. "You are being loud and disruptive! It's unfair to the students who are trying to learn!"

Which is funny, because literally no one here wants to learn.

"Move to the back with Kirishima." The teacher says.

Oh shit

Eijiro Kirishima, the class witch. He's infamous for doing tarot card readings for 10 bucks per reading. He seems to make a lot out of it.

But that's not the reason of why I don't want to sit with him. I've had a stupid crush on him since 7th grade, when he moved here. I was immediately in love with the way he dressed. All black, usually. Sometimes he wears fishnets under shorts; I have to go to the bathroom to 'take care' of myself on those days.

I know, it's cliché. Popular jock is in love with infamous goth. But I don't really care.

Though I've never talked to him, I've seen him smile sincerely; which is the most gorgeous thing ever. I've heard him laugh, and I've heard him talk with his girlfriends before, the sound of his voice so mesmerising that I ended up eavesdropping.

No, he is not taken. My crush on him didn't help when he came out as gay in freshman year. And I hate him so much. I'm in love with the class's gay witch.

I stand up and start walking to the back of the class, my teammates giving me sympathetic looks. They think I'm just gonna get cursed or something by the witch. They have no idea about my crush.

I get to his table and see he's filing his painted black nails like the beautiful gay bastard he is. He looks up at me. I get a good look at his face.

Messy black eyeliner surrounds his eyes. He has an eyebrow piercing and a lip piercing too. I've heard he also has a tongue piercing, but I haven't seen it yet.

He wears a cropped Nirvana shirt, and black jeans with massive holes in them, fishnets that go up to his waist underneath. Two chokers are on his neck; a classic black wire one, and one with a moon charm.

He looks adorable and hot at the same time. It's a wonder how he hasn't gotten dress coded yet.

"Well? Have a seat, I don't bite. Not unless you want me to." He chuckles and winks at me. I shudder and hesitantly sit down next to him. If he doesn't stop being this seductive, I'm gonna end up getting hard, and that's the last thing I want.

The teacher finishes the lesson rather quickly and we have a lot of free time. I'm about to go hang out with my friends when Kirishima stops me.

"Hey," he calls. I turn to him. "How 'bout I do a reading for you? On the house."

"First of all, I'd rather not waste time on something I don't believe in." I start. "And second, I highly doubt it'd actually be free. With your reputation, anyway."

"That's rude. But, c'mon. It's not a scam and it is free. Come on, babes."

"Why would it be free for me?"

"Because you're cute." He raises an eyebrow. "But for such a cutie, you sure are rude."

Fuck, I think to myself. My first interaction with my die-hard crush, and he thinks I'm rude.

"Whatever. I don't want a reading or whatever the fuck you're talking about." I start to stand up, but Kirishima grabs my hand, making me freeze like a deer in headlights.

"C'mon, baby. I don't have any friends in this class and I want to talk to someone." He does puppy dog eyes up at me. "Please stay for just a little bit."

I groan and sit back down in my seat. Kirishima smiles. I look at him with bored eyes, examining him slightly.

"You have nice hair. Looks soft." I say, since I have no other conversation starter.

"Thanks. Though it's not. I've been told it's smooth. But not soft." He says, a slight smile plays at his lips. I have a random urge to make him actually smile. "You're hair looks much softer. Mind if I touch it?"

"Have at it." I shrug, putting my hands in the pockets of my jacket. Kirishima reaches up and combs his fingers through my hair a few times. He smiles, making my heart melt.

"You really do have soft hair. Fluffy, too." He chuckles. "You must get all the ladies with soft hair like that, huh?"

Oh, if only he knew how gay I was.

Only my team knows I'm gay. They know because someone started making really offensive homophobic jokes and they noticed me get upset. They beat the guy up and said they'd be fine if I was gay. I told them and they made a few nonoffensive jokes, then we went on with our lives.

"Sure." I shrug. Kirishima stops combing my hair with his fingers. I look at his hair and reach out to pet him. He looks at me, slightly surprised but not stopping me. "Nah, your hair is soft. I don't understand how you don't have a boyfriend."

"Oh, it's because there's someone I like."

"Oh." I say while still petting him. Maybe I can get him to tell me who he likes?

"And I know he likes me back."

"How do you know?"

"Well, I always see him looking at me. And sometimes, he looks at me like he's going to come up and talk to me, but he never does." He chuckles. "It's cute. He constantly tries to subtly look at me, but I always see him. It's adorable."


"But I think the biggest giveaway is that he apparently likes petting me and hasn't stopped since I started talking."

I immediately reel back and almost fall out of my chair.

"You okay, love?" He softly grabs my arm. I clear my throat.

"U-Uh, yeah, I am. Y-You like me?" I hesitantly ask.

"Yup. And I know you like me too." Kirishima lets go of my arm. "Since last year, right?"

I stare at him in shock. "I've liked you since you moved here."

"That's... Sugar, we're juniors. That was in 7th grade. That's 5 years."

"Yeah, it is. I think I would know."

"Jesus christ, dear." He holds my hand. "That's an awful long time to like someone. I've liked you since last year, jesus fuck."

"Why are your hands so cold?" If he gives me the right answer, I'll finally get to see an image I've been dying to see since I got it; Kirishima wearing my letter jacket.

It's one of the calmer fantasies I've had of Kirishima. I've seen so many movies with the cliché 'give the girl your jacket' thing, and it's so appealing to me. It'd be a nice way of telling everyone he's mine.

"Oh, I'm just always cold for no other reason than I am. It's funny in a way, because if I want someone to leave me alone I just have to touch them with my ice hands, but then again I'm always fucking freezing."

The bell rings. I stand up and take off my jacket and drop it on Kirishima. He looks up at me.

"I'll see you after school." I say.

"Okay. See ya later, love." He smiles.

I have a date with the class's gay witch.


"Dude, why did Kirishima have your letter jacket? Is he gonna use it for some ritual?" One of my friends ask me as I walk into the locker room to get ready for practice.

"So." I say as I open my locker. "He may or may not be my boyfriend."

"Damn, bro." He nudges me with his elbow. "Tell me when you get to second base."

I stare at him in disapproval. He starts laughing.


i really like emo flirty kiri

its just so cute in my opinion uwu

smut part two if yall want (is that even a question for you all?)

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