🍦sugar daddy🍦

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I drive to Katsuki's home after a long day of work. I sigh as I get to a red light. I face palm onto my steering wheel and accidentally set off the horn. I get startled, but keep my head on the horn.

I work at a small mom and pop restaurant, that actually gets quite a few customers. But, with a lot of customers, comes a lot of bad people. I encountered a wild Karen today. She yelled at me for every little thing I did, and every time I tried to fix her mediocre problem, she'd find something wrong with it. Then, my boss yelled at me for my 'behaviour' with her, even though I was nothing but kind and apologetic.

I'm just tired of it all. Katsuki has been recommending I quit my job for a while now, but it's what pays my bills.

This is probably really confusing. Katsuki is supposed to be my sugar daddy. But I have a hard time being spoiled. I really only became a sugar baby to pay for college and get financial help sometimes. I've also been told by my friends and ex-boyfriends I have a great body, one good enough to be a sugar baby. At least that's what my friends told me when I asked them.

I met Katsuki. He has 3 of his own businesses, and makes a huge profit off of all of them. When we talked about why I became a sugar baby, and how I didn't plan on growing attached or having a proper relationship, he said he'd change that. He wasn't lying. He soon became my boyfriend. He grew on me. His sour attitude would make other people turn away immediately, it drew me in.

He's even gotten to the point of meeting my friends. He can't meet my parents, since they cut me off a long time ago, because I snapped at them and accidentally came out. They were pissed, and they cut off all contact from me.

But I don't need them. I have Katsuki now, and he's all I need.

I pull up to Katsuki's mansion- god, I'll never get used to saying that. I step out of my car and lock it. I make eye contact with Katsuki, since he's sitting on the porch. Oh, how many late nights have we spent on that porch. Just talking about random shit and enjoying our time together.

"Hey." He calls out as I walk over to him. When I get to him, I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him. I breathe in his scent.

"Hi." I sigh. Katsuki wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up. "So, were you just waiting for me to get home?"

"Kind of." He chuckles. "I had nothing better to do."

"You have 3 businesses."

"It was a boring day." Katsuki sits down on the couch in his front room with me on his lap. He kisses my lips. "So, when are you gonna move in with me?"

"Katsukiiiiii." I pout. "I have my own place."

"Yeah, but you're never there anymore. You've spent the last 3 weeks here with me." He strokes my cheek with the back of his hand.

"You have a point. I guess it would just be easier to live here."

"Exactly." Katsuki whispers, then plants a kiss just below my ear, making me shiver. "Most sugar babies live with their sugar daddies anyway."

"I know." I press a soft kiss to his jaw.

"You're so perfect."

"What makes you say that?" I hum against his skin. He chuckles and combs his fingers through my hair.

"Everything, Baby. Everything about you is just so amazing. You are just amazing in every way. What I admire most is your patience."

"Kat, I'm a waiter. I have to be patient."

"Oh, that's right. How was work today, sweetheart?" Katsuki kisses my jaw. I groan and hide my face in his shirt. "I take it wasn't good."

"Awful. A lady came in and she was super rude. Disrupted all the customers. She yelled at me and blamed me for every little mistake in her food. Then, when she left, my boss yelled at me for my behaviour towards her, even though I was nothing but kind and patient. This job is absolutely horrid sometimes." I bury my face in his neck.

"Well, sweets, you have no bills to pay anymore, so you can just quit your job."

"I know, but I'd feel bad if I didn't at least help out with rent."

"Babes, you forget how rich I am. I own this building. I can pay the water, electricity, and food bill on my own. We'll be fine."

"Riches don't last forever." I mumble.

"If you make enough, they do. Now, do you trust me or not?" Katsuki pets my hair.

"I do trust you, but-" I'm cut off by Katsuki's lips pressed against mine.

"Then you can live with me and quit your job." He lightly smiles at me. "I know anxiety is a bitch. But just believe in me. You'll be fine."

I look up at him in admiration. The fact that he added the part about about anxiety is amazing to me. I have very bad anxiety, and I'm glad he understands that.

"It's gonna take my mind a while to accept that," I say. "But sure. If you're okay with it."

"I'm more than okay with it, sweets." He kisses my cheek. "I love you."

"I looooooooove you, too." I smile at him.

kiribaku oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora