🍫Happy Together🍫

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I struggle against the confines the shitbags have me in. What sucks, though, is that everytime I pull at the restraints, they get tighter. I try to scream and yell obscenities at the cum stains that have me here, but they have me gagged, so my attempts come out as muffled cries.

"Oh, calm down, you big baby." The villain known as Dabi enters the room. I shoot daggers at him from across the room. "We know you've been... difficult in joining us. But, we have something we can use against you."

I glare at him, as if to say, 'What is it?'

He holds up a Crimson Riot hoodie. It was Kirishima's favorite hoodie. He gave it to me. My eyes widen.

"We know who gave this to you. We know how important he is to you." He throws the piece of clothing to the ground at my feet. "You know, we can kidnap him, too. We can torture him in front of you. We can just plain kill him. Toga would have fun with him."

I stop struggling.

"See?" He comes up behind me and takes off the gag. "I don't think you'd want your little boyfriend to be hurt, now, would you?"

"If I join you bastards, you'll leave Kirishima alone?" I ask.


I glare at him.

"Fine. I'll join the League of Shitsacks." I growl.

"That was quick." He starts to take off the restraints. "If you disobey us, your boyfriend will have to suffer the consequence of your actions." He gets the restraints off.

"Katsuki Bakugou, welcome to the League of Villains. You can keep the hoodie."

I slowly pick up the hoodie and pull it over my head.

"I'm sorry, Eijiro. I can't be the hero you look up to anymore."

I hug myself.


It's been a year since Bakugou died. It's been a horrible year.

A year ago, Bakugou was kidnapped by the League of Villains. A week after that, Bakugou was found dead.

I lie in my bed, curled up in one of Bakugou's hoodies. I never got to tell him how I felt.

Like so many nights before this one, I cry myself to sleep.


My eyes flutter open. My eyebrows furrow in confusion, as I'm laying on a cold floor. A blanket that I don't recognize as mine is draped over me.

I slowly sit up, looking around the room. There's a blonde haired girl in the corner of the room, fiddling with a knife. It looks like she's wearing a school girl's uniform. She looks up at me, then perks up.

"He's up! He's up!" She yells. A guy in a black trench coat comes in the room and looks at me. I mess with the collar around my neck.

Wait- Collar?

I look down to find that I'm still wearing Bakugou's sweatshirt. I feel around, and, sure enough, there's a collar around my neck.

"He looks confused." The blonde girl says. She skips over to me. "Lie back down, he'll be right with you." She slowly pushes me back. My head rests against the pillow placed on the floor. The girl skips off, the two people leaving the room.

Despite just waking up, I'm still tired. I almost immediately fall back asleep.

I'm woken up to someone holding my hand and gently rubbing my knuckles. I open my eyes to see who's holding my hand. I sit up and turn my head. Katsuki Bakugou is sitting beside me, cross-legged and holding my hand. He smiles at me.

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