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If you had the chance to relive any moment in your life, what would you relive?

Me? Oh, I don't know. A lot of things. But nothing at all. I feel like if I relived any moment in my life, I'd end up screwing it up. I'd want to stay in that moment forever, and I'd say things that don't make sense...

Well, if that wasn't the case?

Hm... Probably... Ugh, again, I don't know. There's just so many.

Okay, if you had the chance to see something or someone again, what or who would it be?

Oh, that one's easy...

"Hurry up, Shit Hair! We don't have all month to get to class!" Bakugou yells from outside Kirishima's dorm. Kirishima is rushing to get ready.

"I know, I know! Just gimme a sec!" Kirishima yells back. After a few more seconds of stumbling, he finally goes to his door and opens it, revealing an angry, red-eyed blonde.

"Sorry, bro. I accidently slept in." Kirishima flashes a sharp toothed smile to the other boy.

"Tch, whatever. Anyways, come on, I want to talk to you." Bakugou starts walking to the stairway.

"Oh, okay! What do you want to talk about?" Kirishima runs to catch up with the blonde.

"I like you, Shitty Hair."

"Well, I would hope so! I'm your best friend after all, right?"

"No, dumbass, I like you, like you. I want to be your boyfriend."

"Wait, really?! I like you, too, Bakugou!"

It'd be a someone. He was... the light of my life. My reason for living. My... everything.

Really? Do tell more...

He was good at so many things, and he could always calm me down and cheer me up. I really loved him.

Kirishima giggled.

"I had a lot of fun, Bakugou. Thanks for taking me out on that date." Kirishima thanked.

"Hmph. Whatever. As long as you had fun..." Bakugou kicks the ground. Kirishima slid his hand into Bakugou's. Bakugou squeezed his hand.

"I love you, Kirishima. I really love you. I've never felt this way about anyone but you. I love you."

"I love you, too, Bakugou." Kirishima kissed the other boy's cheek. "I'm glad you confessed and asked me out. So manly."

"Yeah. This was... a nice first date."

He really cared about me. I cared about him.

Sounds like a good boyfriend.

Yeah. He definately was. Good husband, too.

Bakugou paces around the dressing room. He mutters things to himself, doubts and such.

"Goddammit, I sound like damn Deku." He mutters to himself, then hears a knock at the door.

"Katsuki? You good?" A sweet voice calls out. It's obviously Kirishima.

"Yeah, Babe. I'm fine."

"No one's fine on their wedding day, Katsuki. Even I'm nervous. About what? No clue." Kirishima laughs, then Bakugou chuckles.

"You're right. I shouldn't get so hung up. You shouldn't either."

"Oh, shush it, Katsuki!" Kirishima playfully hits the blonde's shoulder. "Now, come on! We have a wedding to attend!"

"Eijiro, it's our wedding!"

Everything felt perfect with him. My life felt complete. When I was with him, I didn't feel like I was going completely insane. Most of the time.

Oh, all the best relationships drive you crazy every so often.

Yeah, I guess they do.

"Are you gonna be okay, Katsuki?" Eijiro asks.

"Fuck, yes, I'm gonna be fine, now hurry up."

"A-Alright..." Eijiro kisses Katsuki as he slides one finger into him, then another, then a final one.

"Keep going, Shitty Hair."

Actually, I think I know what moment I'd relive.

You do? Which one?

Ironically, I'd relive my death.

Why? I'd hate to feel that pain again.

Yeah, but... I wish I had said more to him.

Eijiro frantically searches for his husband.

"Katsuki! Katsuki, where are you?" He yells.

"I'm over here, Shitty Hair! I'm fi-" Katsuki is cut off by a large piece of metal falling on top of Eijiro.

"Eijiro!" Katsuki screams. He rushes to his husband's side.

"Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. This is bad, this is really bad." Katsuki mutters. Eijiro attempts to speak words through the seething pain in all parts of his body.

"There is... no way I'm suviving this." Eijiro mumbles.

"No, no, no. Don't think that way, you'll live, I know you'll live. You're strong, you're manly, you're gonna make it." Katsuki cries. Tears leave his eyes and hit the ground.

"I may be strong, but I'm not that strong. Katsuki Kirishima, I love you with all my heart. I'll never stop loving you. And, please, be a hero for me. Do what I can now not achieve. I love you."

All Eijiro can hear as he fades out of life, is Katsuki desperately screaming his name.

I wish I told him more than just 'I love you'.

I'm sure Katsuki found worth in your last words.

I'm sure, too. Now, if you'll excuse me, Katsuki is visiting my grave today, so I gotta go there, too. I'll see ya.

Yup! See ya!

"Eijiro... I know it's stupid to talk to a stone with your name on it, because I don't even know if you can hear me, but I miss you. I miss you. And I love you."

I love you, too, Katsuki. I can't wait 'til the day I see you again. I will wait, though. I'll wait.


okay, so, im really depressed rn so i might be publishing a lot of angsty stuff, but depression sucks ass so sue me ill write what i want

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