Owning her

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I was just about fed up, these women couldn't satisfy me no matter what they tried; they were too easy. No chase, no challenge! Always throwing themselves at me, Knowing my father is head of the Italian mafia, and knowing that I am a millionaire just draws in the wrong women. Pathetic! 

My Father lives in Italy, he is grooming my older brother to take his place and become capomandamento, the next Don. Davide my brother, is ruthless and cares for no one, he will spill blood willingly. He currently is my fathers underboss, and Dad's closest mate Louie is Consigliere. Dad's men will step down and retire when Davide steps up and becomes the Don. people he trusts will surround him, and Dad always thought that I would step up as his underboss, or even his Consigliere but I have no desire for that. 

I never agreed with that lifestyle. I grew up here, in London England with my mum. She was a British maid my father hired for his apartment here, keeping it well and tidy, only he fell in love. She is no longer his maid, but his wife. They don't live together and my brother lived with my Father while I lived with Mother or at least for our teen years. Davide has always been a wildcard and for a good many years since I was a young man Dad has made it clear that he wanted me to join him and Davide, he has even hinted to me taking over instead of Davide. As I said though, I have no interest in that life, and nothing and no one can change that. 

 I wanted to earn my own money, and while some don't agree with my business, I can at least say all my money was earned and not my Fathers hand outs. I don't need anyone in my life, I have some good friends who are loyal but other than a small few there is no one that means enough to me to not die. 

I lean on no one, I am independent, and a lone wolf. That's how I like it!

So here I am with Tulisa and Maria, two girls who think that if they can suck my cock well enough I will buy them diamonds and spoil them, take them to dinner and maybe even marry one of them if they play their cards right. It is fun seeing them compete over my dick, I enjoy the attention and sure it gets me excited or well more accurately aroused. 

Only it was nothing new, nothing truly exciting. I mean I was hard, I would probably blow my load in one of these womens mouths. It will do. "oh deany bear, I like your cock, so large" moaned Tulisa, and Maria rightfully gasped. I pulled my trousers up and tucked my dick away, rolling my eyes. I pointed to the door and demanded that they left! They did, with Maria crying, sad that her chances were ruined. Not that I ever would have seen them as more than a fuck, infact they were only good enough to suck my cock and Tulisa couldnt even do that right.

 Fucking cunting bitches, now I would be frustrated all day, why cant girls understand rules. I have rules for everything in life, work, sex; everything!

I grabbed my wallet from the dresser, sprayed some of my Dior and combed back my slick black hair, rolled my shirt sleeves up and left. leaving behind the stench of useless sluts desperation. 

 I need a new maid. The last one only lasted two days, she would flirt endlessly without any damn self pride, and honestly just because my father fell for a damn lowly maid, people think that I will too.

 I decided to go to the office, I run a business that has been seen to be no different than human trafficking! Stupid idiots who don't understand that there is profit in sex, and if done right can be above board. 

Let me explain. I take women off the street, and offer them a way to earn more, for doing exactly what they are doing, only in a safer environment. My employees earn 65% of their fees, but I pay in full for their accommodation, and all bills. They easily make over five grand a week, on top of not needing to pay bills.

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