First Taste

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Disclaimer, Rape and Sexual Assault. Please read with caution


I had made sure the house was clean and tidy and ready for when Dean would return, should he even return. I tried to keep busy. I needed to keep my thoughts off of Dean. 

I had let Danny know he had not come home after lunch, but strangely I got no reply. I prepared Dinner, a stew with extra carrots. They always tasted best when cooked in the gravy of a stew. 

While it was cooking I read on the sofa, but I must have fallen asleep. I felt someone kiss my head, it startled me but not because I was scared, Charlie never kissed me, well he hadn't in years, let alone one so attentive. 

I opened my eyes to see Dean leaning over me, I saw his face covered in blood and gasp, I don't ask though I hope he will tell me, but I won't push him to. I just hold him tight, kissing his cheek.

 He had become my friend and he was my saviour even though I don't think he thinks of himself that way.

I felt like Dean was about to kiss me again, my lips parted, I wanted him to kiss me, to know it wasn't a mistake last time. 

Only then the door flew open, this beautiful red haired girl just threw herself on Dean and kissed him. He has no issue with that, not like when he kissed me, clearly he knows her.

 I felt sick, my tummy tied in knots, maybe he does have a girlfriend. He went to freshen up and left me with this girl and Danny. The girl eyed me up, and I felt the need to leave, Danny pulled me back and asked if they could stay for stew. There was easily enough for three people and so I nodded and excused myself. 

I needed to not see Dean and another woman all loved up. I needed sleep, so I headed to bed and I could hear giggling, and it wasn't Dannys and Deans laugh either. He chuckled sometimes but never laughed quite as much as he was now when he was with me.

Only it didn't fill me with any hidden pleasure that I heard him laugh more when with me. I knew that I was no match for her. She was stunning, clearly Dean's type and surely more to him than a friend. 

Why else would he let her kiss him that way? 

Danny doesn't, yet she did and that must mean she means something to him. 

He regretted kissing me, but looked content with her kissing him. 

I heard footsteps so I squeezed my eyes shut, pretending to be asleep.

 It was Dean, he had let himself in after I didnt answer, and walked over to me and stroked my hair behind my ear.

Why was he here doing that when his girlfriend or whoever was down in the kitchen. He then laid a kiss on my forehead again and lingered.

 He whispered "you don't need to be scared anymore baby" I don't know what he meant, I was about to open my eyes, and ask, and ask why he called me baby but I heard her voice from the hallway.

 "You know you have to tell her, it's the only way. You need to let her go. She is no good for you" I felt a tear run down my face.

 Then he said "I know, but I had to do it" He then got up and I felt his weight leave the mattress. 

I couldn't sleep, I tossed and turned, When the sun rose I got dressed and it was wednesday already, it had only been a week and I had feelings for my boss. I hoped to talk to him today, to see if he is okay. I saw his note and this time they were next to a single rose.

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