Good cakes and Goodbyes

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After father and I had arranged men to either clean the chapel or help in the search for Davide I found myself burning with emotions. I looked over as the coroner bagged up my dearest friend and his wife. He gave his life for mine, that means something and it won't be in vain.

My pristine white suit now clad with blood-their blood. Pain in my chest raises as the iron smell sinks its way into my nostrils. I feel my fists clenched so tight that my nails peirce  into the skin of my palms. My chest tightens in pain until I can't take it anymore "Arrrhhggggggg" I scream out while clutching my blood soaked jacket.

My mother makes her way over to me and I open my eyes to see her holding me in her arms like I was a small boy again. I know she wanted to bring me comfort but I pushed her away and her eyes looked at me hurt before asking "how?" I knew she wanted me to tell her how she can fix this but she can't. I feel myself sinking into myself as each breath becomes harder and air stops reaching my lungs. The smell of blood too overpowering to ignore and the deathening void that remains at the center of my chest. I was heartbroken, my brother had killed the only man I truly loved as a brother. The only man who deserved my love as a brother or my respect as a man. Davide has hurt me for the last time, he hurt the love of my life, he hurt my own body and now he took from me the person who offered what he never could as a brother!

I step back and pull my jacket off my torso and throw it to the ground. I claw at my shirt as I attempt to undo the buttons. The material clung to me due to the still moist blood coating it. "Get it off, get it off" I screamed and my mum walked behind me and pulled it down my back and let it fall to the floor. My chest heaved, the crimson gone but my skin still wreaked of their blood, of their death. I fall to the floor holding my chest before my father approaches.

"You will have your time to grieve, but that time is not now. Now is the time to seek revenge. Davide lost all ties to this family long ago and now your mother has lost all right to protect him. We will end this now" he said walking off like a man on a mission but he was right. Now wasn't the time to cry, now was the time to avenge my friends!

Broken I ask mother to go after Dad, before I can seek revenge I need a shower and to find my beautiful bride. Mum agrees to find father and hold him off seeking revenge in my stead. I know I will avenge them but not until we have shown my friends the respect they deserve. I need to talk to TJ, he deserves this news to come from me and then I need to figure out his care and plan a funeral. I need to contact Sandys mother. Sandys mother is far too old to care for TJ and Tim didn't have a lot of family. I really don't know what to do but I know where to start.

After a hot shower that burned my skin but also cleansed me of the blood, I brushed my teeth and changed into a fresh crisp white shirt and jeans. I called Caris on my way out the door and her voice brought me the calm I needed.

I get into my car and drive to Mark's home, He opens the door and I run in searching for my girl and TJ only to panic when they are not anywhere to be seen. "Calm down mate; they are up in the bathroom. TJ needed a bath and I let him wear one of my T shirts for a night shirt" Mark explained. I nodded graciously in appreciation to knowing they were okay.

I slowly make my way up the stairs and as I near the top of the landing I hear "my only sunshine, you make me happy when clouds are gray. Don't you know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away" Caris' voice was soft and loving as she sang to TJ the same song his mummy sang to him every night. I clutch my chest knowing I would have to break his heart but also my heart broke knowing Caris can never have this with a child of her own because of Davide. She hadn't said it but I knew she hadnt had a period since she was all cleared and we were told that while it was possible she may fall pregnant that it wasn't promised. The scar tissue posed risks and having only one tube and ovary also lowered our chances of conception. That's why I got us the kittens, I knew she was worried she may never carry a baby but I also didn't mind as long as I had her. Still I was sad for her knowing what a wonderful mother she would have made.

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