Maid for me!

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I finished up my work in the office, before it was too late, I ate some salmon and salad, it will do the job. I still had more to finish so figured that I would stay here. I had a room for the times that I needed to stay. I now had to share that one bed with the girl, after all she will be tired and I can't let her take a client's work room, those beds are not for sleeping! I would hate for her to bump into the wrong kind too, not all my clients are savory characters. 

I entered the room, she was already asleep, and I woke her up. Would have been easier to have tried to sneak in, but then the girl rolls over asking me to make it fast, does she have no self esteem. What the fuck, I just laugh, she is probably like all other girls, using her body to gain more in life, only she also seemed to be confused as to why I bought her, seriously! How ungrateful can she be? Does she not realize she would be dead?

 I suggested that I wanted her for a live-in maid, I called her a waste of money, it was harsh. Only why would I buy her, I don't agree with owning people yet here she is assuming I must be just like my brother, ugh the nerve. She would be dead if it wasn't for me. 

I went to sleep, grateful she kept her distance and didn't try to show me how much I was missing out like most women.

 I had no interest in her, in anyone. I would never find real love and aside from my mum I wouldn't know how to love a woman.

The morning came, and I woke to find her spread out like a starfish, her blond white hair spread over the pillows, her face buried and snoring loudly. 

I couldn't help myself, I tucked her hair behind her ear. Revealing her face, she was drooling and as I touched her she flinched in her sleep, but when my hand gently tucked her hair she smiled. I see she's in pain and has known real true fear, maybe she didn't come onto me, but maybe it's all she knows.

 I sigh, I will see how she is as a maid, I barely live at home, so it's not like she will have to clean much, or see me much. 

I left her to sleep and got myself showered and dressed. I left a note for her and went to the office, made a coffee and sunk into my chair.

 It shouldn't take long to finish my paperwork, then before lunch I have a meeting with  Timothy, he's my best mate, but also my lawyer. I had paid off his student loans if he agreed to work for me for 3 years, it's now been 5 years. He is as loyal as they come. 

After paperwork, Timothy was early as always, we had a scotch and discussed the newest contract. I also told him about this girl! He knows that her going to the police about this, my brother! She would get my fathers attention, and that would not end well for her. I also couldn't secure her, a term I used when saving people who live on the street or work streets that I see as valuable. 

Only with my brother having branded her, it would be breaking rules to allow her to work in my establishment. Then I would have to allow branding especially as my brother used his initials, which are the same as my own. No doubt customers would then think of me as a hypocrite.

 I told Timothy about making her my live-in maid, he said it was a good idea, until Davide forgets about her and loses interest. Then I could let her go, in the meantime she had an opportunity to earn some money to save up, so she could be okay on her own. He agreed to write up a maid's contract and once she had signed that, my brother would not touch her, our deal is that any employee of mine is off limits.

I was packing up my desk when I saw the girl standing in the doorway, she looked nervous but she stood straight, trying not to show it and to appear strong. It was cute, and I understood her nerves. 

"Hello, so before we go back to my home, we will get food, then go shopping" She nodded, and I gestured to the door, I led the way as she followed. 

I took her to a small cafe, nothing expensive, not because I would mind spending more but because I didn't want her to worry about how much it costs and feel like she couldn't choose anything. She chose pancakes, with syrup and bananas, and a coffee.

 "so, as you will be living with me, how about you tell me your name?" I asked. She blinked while chewing her large fluffy american style buttermilk pancakes. I had a coffee and a sausage butty, brown sauce. I took a bite and once she swallowed she said "Caris" and that one word fell out of her mouth so beautifully. 

"Do you have any questions about the job Caris?" She smiled, but a fake uncomfortable smile. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want any of this but she was trying not to make a scene, holding back tears.  I saw in her eyes she had given up fighting. 

" I uhm, what Jobs will I do? '' She asked, chewing her nails." I would ask you to keep my home clean, hoover, mop, wash dishes, laundry and scrub the bathrooms, and prepare some meals that I can take to the office,  and Dinners. Can you do those things'' She nodded 

When we arrived at the shopping center, there were a lot of highstreet shop options for her to get what she needed. She again looked confused. "I thought we were shopping for groceries, for when I prepare the meals for you, uhm uh sir" I chuckled at her saying this.

 "No love, you have no clothes, I didn't intend on having a naked maid" She blushed and looked away "I dont have money" She whispered. "I know that, I mean you didn't buy yourself did you? '' I say, rolling my eyes. 

"Look,  buy whatever you need, personal care, some night wear, uhm day clothes and I don't know, lady products too" I shrug.

 She blushes and starts protesting that I don't need to waste more money on her. Shit, maybe I should not have said she was a waste of money. 

"Look, I can deduct a bit from your wages for the first 3 wages to pay it back, but you do need clothes. She sighed agreeing. 

She suddenly stopped and shouted "wait, wage. You mean to say that I will earn some money" 

I turned to her, and again laughed "you're not a slave, you're a maid, you will live under my roof, eat whatever you want to cook, the food provided for. I will pay you £1000 a week, okay" Her eyes grew wide, she stuttered that it was too much. 

Again I roll my eyes and snap at her "great so save up, so when I fire you you wont end up on the damn streets again like a fucking whore using your body to survive" 

She looked down sad and then plastered on her fake smile "yes sir". I was exhausted, I never wanted to own her, but she needs to do better with her life!

"Don't call me Sir, it's Dean!"

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