Padded Room

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Bonas Davide Pov

Another night in this room, it's a padded white room, not only lacking colour but left being the most pure colour. It also had a sickeningly clean smell like bleach and lemons. This place was enough for anyone to lose their sanity.

Father had me assessed, and unlike last time I was now considered a threat to society. I had been locked up like an animal; behind a padded cage. All because my pathetic brother fell in love. 

That bitch and Dean need to pay. The food here tastes like rot and mould, the water tastes like piss and all my food is mashed, or pureed so I can't easily use it to choke as a way of committing suicide. 

I have been on high watch since I used a mattress spring to cut off circulation to my hand by entwining it tightly around my wrist. I enjoyed the pain and seeing the colour of my skin darken to purple. 

Only it was no attempt at ending my life, it meant I was taken to the infirmary, around other people, and not just white blank walls! 

It was a momentary escape from the torture of dull, and deafening silence!

If I knew this would feel like torture I would have used it more to bring this phychotic pain to more people, it really pushes you to a new place of darkness not seeing any face, not even your own in a mirror! 

I was laying on my plain bed, looking at the ceiling where the padding had some kind of small puncture tear. When the guard type woman demanded for me to put my hands through the hatch to be cuffed, she snapped my attention to the direction of the door, which also was padded. 

I got up, stretched my arms up, cracking my joints as I did so and did as I was asked.

Once out of the room, I followed her instructions and faced the wall as she cuffed my ankles. The cuffs, which had a loud clanking chain, were heavy as they dragged behind me. 

We walked past other rooms, I heard screams, talking and singing. Some sounds which filled even me with horrific terror! 

Eventually we find our way to the white room with circular tables, again all white. As per usual I saw my mother sitting waiting at table nine, the guard led me to the table and I sat with my mother.

 We make small talk, but I can't help that a grin sneaks on my face as she casually mentions Dean and how upset my dear baby brother had been, but how now Caris was home he was doing much better. 

My grin was lost when she mentioned that bitch and that she was okay, I may not have intended death, soothed by clinging to hopes she cant give Dean an heir and the pain from knowing she is now less of a woman than before tortures her daily until her last breath.

A woman who can't do what she was designed to do and carry a baby was less of a woman. Knowing that she would be hurting and Dean would suffer, I let these thoughts comfort my upset. 

Although death would have been a fine outcome too!

After my mother and I had our visit I was taken back to my padded room, I laid waiting until food was presented to me but then I was startled by the hatch bursting open and a piece of paper fell through, I picked it up and it read "soon your opportunity for revenge will come. Promise death to her and I can help you!" 

I laughed as I tore the paper up and ate it, keeping this possible ally a secret. Damn right the time will come that they suffer for having me put here!

Thank you for reading. This Chapter was short, but it is just a bonas.

Who slipped the paper in, who woukd want Caris Dead?

The past may be getting dug up!

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