A day to remember

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Last night Dean was rough with me, the most rough he has been since I was taken and harmed by his brother. He wanted me to serve my king, only I am stubborn, and until he called me his queen I refused. I loved having him strangle me while fingering my pussy, it was intense and I found myself zoned out until this orgasm rippled through me and pulled me back to the moment. Riding him, until we both came was good and it felt so deep like he was touching my stomach.

falling asleep in his arms, after he cleaned me was by far the best part of the night though. When I woke up Dean had some crumpets and coffees laid out, it was his day off so when he handed me two tickets to the zoo I was so excited for a day out together. It was mid June and the weather was wonderful.

I ran off to get ready, I brushed my hair and placed it in a high ponytail. Then added my simple make up, the usual look and put on my navy blue midi dress with my white trainers. I walked to the entry hall to see Dean looking like a snack, white Shirts really showed off his tanned skin, but these Shirts that had been folded up on the biceps showed the thick muscle of his arms flexing and honestly this whole look had me feeling hot.

He told me that I am beautiful then as always he walks me to the car and opens the door. On the way there we went to starbucks drive through and got lunch and then soon after arrived at the zoo.

We walked around eating our paninis and drinking our iced lattes, once our paninis were gone Deans hand snaked its way into mine, keeping it company after the panini had left my possession.

I had never been to the zoo before, not with Daddy as a child or with any friend let alone with a boyfriend!

We had a lovely day, I loved seeing all the animals but Lions were by far my favourite. After we had been to the lizard area where I held a few lizards and even fed a group of them crickets with calcium powder on. I loved it, lizards, snakes and even trancherlers didn't scare me which surprised Dean. Small spiders scared me but then those fuckers are there one minute and gone the next.

I hated not knowing where they were and knowing that I may end up eating them iin my sleep was sure gross.

We washed our hands and sat under a tree eating an ice cream cone each. Dean licking his brownie chocolate ice cream had me entranced, I had such a dirty mind. I had a cherry and almond flavored ice cream and it was amazing. We also stopped by the gift shop where Dean bought me and him a Lion and Lioness.

On the drive home Dean took a sharp left turn, which was the wrong direction and he smirks when I asked "honey, where are we going?" We pull up to a pub and he says "Dinner" and I shrug thinking it would just be the two of us.

Except inside was Danny, Ron, Julia, Mark, Timothy, Sandy and TJ. "Why is everyone here honey" I didn't have to wait too long to know, everyone was coming up to us and wishing Dean a happy birthday. Why didn't he tell me it was his birthday, should I have known.

I felt like I had let him down, it was his birthday and he made breakfast and planned a day out. Had I known I would have spoiled him, breakfast in bed, a present and some kind of day out. This would have been a surprise dinner, why would he not have told me or why did Timothy not tell me, or Mark yesterday.

I felt like I was suffocating in guilt, but I plastered a smile on and helped thank everyone for wishing my man a happy birthday.

After we had all eaten our dinner, a waitress brought a cake out with candles and everyone sang happy birthday to Dean, I sang along still hiding my upset over not having done anything to make his day special.

Then people start handing Dean presents, Ron got him a Ring, Danny got him a new wallet, Mark a bottle of drink and then Timothy and Sandy got him some socks and handkerchiefs. Even TJ made him a card, and I felt like I had failed him. Danny asked what I had gotten Dean, Only I couldn't hold back these tears anymore. I darted to the ladies and cried, I failed him and I have nothing to offer him to make this day more special.

I sat crying against the door until I heard Dean sitting on the other side saying "Baby, I didn't tell you it was my birthday for a reason. Please come out" I refused, I felt like I had let him down. The door opens and I fall back, I hit my head and look up at Dean. "Come on, Let me explain".

He lifted me up and carried me back to the table where everyone was waiting. "I planned today at the last minute like I did, because I had news for you all. As you all know I have not once celebrated my birthday, so until yesterday when I told Timothy it was today and he helped me put this together I had never had a normal birthday.

I am sad to tell you all that my father has demanded that I have three months until I move to Italy. I wanted one normal day with the people I love before I had to tell you all that I am leaving" Dean then asked everyone to raise their glass and toast "to the memories".

I now understood why I didn't know, well it seems no one knew, but Timothy let everyone in on it except me. Why would no one tell me, everyone was able to dress up, buy a gift and I didnt even know.

I sighed and clutched myself, he wanted the people he loved to know, but not me. Everyone left after some cake and hugged Dean and even me on their way out. Dean took my hand and led me out to the car. It was now dark with only the moon lighting the way. Dean looked so handsome in the moonlight.

"Dean, I understand I was not the only one you hadn't told about your birthday, but Timothy told everyone, they were able to get you gifts and dress nicely, you said you wanted this memory with all those you love. Well any normal birthday would have the girlfriend giving a gift".

Before Dean put the car in drive he turned to me "Baby, I didn't tell you because I will not be saying goodbye to you. Not like everyone else here in my life. That is, as long as you want to join me. I don't want anyone to know my birthday, or my first name.

I have to leave this life behind me to protect those I love. Only if you agree to come with me, you are the only one to know my birthday from this day forward in our new lives together. It's a big ask and you can stay if you want." I take his hand in mine "where you go, I go but no more secrets from me, I really would have loved to get you a gift" I sigh and as I do Dean starts driving.

After a silence that seemed to go on forever we arrived at the beach, the very one that had become our special spot "Dean why are we here" I asked. Dean just said "so you can give me my gift" He gets out and walks around the car to open my door and take my hand. We walked to where the sand started and removed our shoes, as we walked I saw candles lit not too far away. We reached the glimmering lights to find candles lit over a round smooth wooden board with two large cushions and a bottle of wine and two glasses.

I turned to thank Dean, it was a romantic setting and I assumed he wanted sex on the beach as his gift but as I turned I found him on one knee "Caris, as I had promised you are the only one that I wish to share any future with. Even one as dark, scary and dangerous as my future. If you truly meant it, that being that you will join me and come to Italy. The greatest birthday present you could ever give me is a yes. Baby I love you, and only you. I will fight for you as I do myself, I will fight for us and always prioritize us. Will you do me the great honor and become my wife?" I gasped!

My eyes were watering and I couldn't find the words so I nodded, but he responded "Baby I need consent, tell me you want this" I jump up and he catches me in his right arm as I wrap my arms around his neck. Still holding a red box in his left. "There is nothing that I want more, yes, yes and Yes" I said before kissing him. I know I will never forget his birthday, and forever remember this day.

Oh, My, Gosh...Who saw it coming!

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