Simple is never Simple

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After I learned it was my Caris' birthday, I felt awful that I had not known and I felt worse that I accused her of not telling me as payback. 

I had not even considered it was due to pain, loss and grief. She had lost the only person who had ever loved her, who took care of her. I knew her Dad was her whole world, he gave her everything that her mother walked away taking with her. He gave her love, enough to compensate for the love her mother had stolen from Caris' heart.

We had talked a bit more over the last few weeks about her Dad and all he meant to her, my heart broke when she described how he spent his last moments. His last breaths were taken while his only child read to him, stroking his head and holding his hand. 

I may not be a father but I would never wish for such a scenario where my own child had to care for me. 

I understood Caris had not wanted to celebrate that day without her Dad again. Only he was no longer the only person in this world to love her and I believe with all my heart that if he was to see her today he would want to see her happy, he would not want her birthday to ever be a sad day. 

So I made some phone calls, I knew she said simple, but I am not one who does simple. I have never done anything simple before, I took Taylor to Cornwall just for donuts, I would do far more for the woman I love on her birthday. There was no doubt in my mind that I had to pull out all the stops.

I asked Sandy if she could take Caris for a coffee, while us men and mum have an hour to plan things. 

I asked Tim to book my flights. Caris didn't have a passport yet, we had sorted papers for Italy but were still waiting for it to arrive.

Oneday I would love to take her to Paris. I also knew Caris would find Paris a cliche and it would not excite her at all. I wanted to surprise her and still not smuggle her illegally against her will anywhere. 

Still she had never been on a plane so I wanted to give her a first. Then I asked Mum to pack her bags with warm clothes. TJ helped by drawing her a clue card and finally I found the most perfect Hotel and booked us the honeymoon suite. I wanted the best for my girl.

I heard the key in the door and the giggles of my best friend's girl and mine. I was always so warmed to the heart that they had become good friends. 

Tim picked up TJ and we hurried to the door. "Aunty Caris, look it's a clue for you" TJ beamed as he passed the picture. 

Tim took Sandy by her hand and led her out the door to the car. Mum hugged Caris and passed her the small suitcase. Caris looked at me and then mum and repeated this a few times confused. 

I kissed her, wrapping my fingers into her hair with one hand and the other hand I used to scoop her up in my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist as my hand kneaded a firm price of her arse. "Baby, I am taking you away for a night, well two nights." I teased. 

She looked into my eyes blinking, "just dinner right, simple" she asked hesitantly. I chuckle and shake my head. "Baby, I know your Dad not being here for your birthday is hard, he is all you had for so very long. Then for a while you had no one" I sighed, taking a deep breath. "Now you have me, and I just really want to make you smile" I said while looking at her smooth soft pursed lips. 

"He would have liked you, you know" She said and as her arms wrapped around my neck holding onto me even tighter I smiled and asked "You really think so?"

She nodded before explaining "He never knew what simple was either, he once got me a pet hamster because I had no friends". Her eyes welled up and I was about to apoligize when her arms got tighter around my neck. "He would have been so happy to know I found a man who wanted to make me smile, his last words to me were 'Smile even though it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by.' It was his favourite song." She said while laying her head against my shoulder. 

"Then on our wedding day it should be the song you walk down the aisle to, he may not be here to walk you down, but part of him will be. He will be watching, proudly" I whispered. 

She then let go and I set her down, she looked at the picture TJ made her and gasped "A Castle". 

I nodded and explained that I was taking her to Edinburgh, where we will have a candlelit dinner. Tomorrow we are sightseeing at the castle and there was an antique book shop we would visit. Then we would have another meal out and see a show. Our room had a TV and hot tub so mind you we didn't need to leave the room.

She looked up at me through her lashes sleepily, I took her hand and we got into the car. Mark was waiting as I had planned and of course Caris was so very happy to see her best friend after he had been off work for a break. 

They chatted the whole way to the airport and then when we finally parked she shrieked. "Dean, I have never been on a plane". I could see how excited she was and I honestly was feeling equally excited to have made her so happy. 

I left the bags with Mark to check them in, then we go to board the plane. She looked confused before she asked "Are we the only passengers?". I nodded, "Baby we have a private jet" I said and she looked at me and blushed. 

"We" She asked, raising a brow at me looking conflicted. "Yes baby we, what is mine is yours. When we marry you will own half of all my assets". 

She shook her head "I only said yes to you" she said. I knew Caris wasn't with me for my money or estates. Still it was hers, I was hers and I won't pretend otherwise.

Once on the plane which was furnished with oak armrests and cream leather interior we settled into our seats. I had one stewardess who bought us some champagne.  

It wasn't a long flight but as we buckled in, Caris grabbed my hand nervously. "Baby it's okay, I promise" I said, squeezing her hand back. She let out a shaky sigh and said "I know, I always feel safe with you."

Hey everyone, hope you are still enjoying my story. Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting

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