Wedding bells and gun shots

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I woke to an empty bed once again only it no longer hurt to wake to my own company. Dean left a note reading "Baby girl, last night was perfect. The next time I see you will be at the altar. All my love, my beautiful almost wife". I swoon as I soak in his words and stretch out on the bed into a star  scrunching his note in my grasp as a large smile appears on my face. Oh my gosh tomorrow I am getting married.

There was a loud knock at the door and no time to stand, walk over to the door and open it as the door bursts open. Danny and Sandy and Ron all fly through the door. "Today babe we are having a spa sesh" announces Danny. "We are getting facials, manicures and pedicures" said Sandy excitedly as she clapped her hands together. 'Don't forget the full body scrub and massage girls' ' Ron interjected with a wiggle of the brows. I was happy that even though Ron attended my man's stag he was coming with us too. He was so much fun and part of our family.

I throw my hair into a pony and dress in leggings and one of Deans baggy Tshirts. "girl dont even bother showering because we will have a shower before we use the jacuzzi" Danny advised. I listened and just got ready quickly, agreeing to just feel comfortable for the day of relaxation and preparation.

Even though Danny was in denim hot pants and a cute crop top. That girl had no clue how to dress down. Everything looked cute on her. Sandy on the other hand wore a simple dress and trainers. Ron naturally was in a smart shirt. Never have I seen him look casual.

The spa was wonderful, when we arrived we sat by the pool at a table that had English tea and crumpets all laid out. I wonder if the Italian people realize we don't eat crumpets as a fancy thing with tea but rather a buttery evening snack or a basic breakfast. Oh well it was delicious.

The lights in the massage room would twinkle above me and the soothing music had me drifting to sleep during my full body massage. I stared at my simple and clean french style manicure before my eyelids gave way and I fell into a deep slumber.

"wake up sleeping beauty" I heard as I felt my forehead being tapped repeatedly. I opened my eyes to see a very impatient Ron. "Girl, we need to get to the salon Hair cut time!" I groaned in response. How was this man so chirpy when I could just lay here in the lavender misted room and sleep right until it was time to walk down the aisle.

After my hair cut we all headed villa, apparently Dean was staying in an old apartment his Dad owned and now I wouldn't see him until tomorrow. Only, that doesn't mean we can't talk right?

"Baby girl, you naughty girl calling nr the night before the wedding" Dean said as he answered my call. I giggled then I fell quiet, something had been on my mind. "Baby what's wrong, are you getting cold feet? It's not too early to back-'' he started but I suddenly found my voice. "No no, honey I want to marry you. More than anything I want to still marry you tomorrow. Its just my dad was meant to be here and I miss him so badly. Who else could walk me down the aisle. No one, I feel lost knowing he wont be holding my arm as I walk down the aisle to the man I love." I explained as tears slowly ran down my cheeks. "I am sorry Dean, I sound ungrateful after all you have planned" I sighed.

"Sweetheart,  I know no matter how much I could plan this day for you. I know this is something that will be missing. Is there anyone you could ask, an uncle or anyone baby" his question lingered in my mind. "I dont have any living reletives left, other than my mother who fucked off when I was a small child" I said thinking out loud. Dean sighed over the phone. I know he wants to make this better and feels helpless that he can't. "Only, if you wouldn't be offended, that is. I would love to ask Mark, he has become like an uncle to me and he would serve to calm my nerves also." I plead and I practically hear Dean smirk. "Baby, you should ask him, I know what he will say but I think it's a perfect idea.

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