The Perfect Merlot

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I was enjoying a lovely shower, exfoliating my skin, and letting the heat carry my pain away. I massaged my scalp and shaved my legs. I took extra time getting ready. 

Meeting Timothy was important to Dean and I wanted to not only look my best but feel my best too!

 After I had changed into some nice jeans and a T-shirt, I decided to keep it casual because I didn't want to arrive over dressed, but I laid out a pretty green dress just in case Dean told me to change. I straightened my hair and then tied it into a low pony, I used my tinted moisturizer and my nude lipstick, a little blush and mascara. I kept it simple, I wanted Timothy to meet the real me, I hoped that he would approve of me, but I needed to be myself. 

I was still full from the croissants that Dean made, I can not believe he bakes! I am a lucky girl, especially after he held me for so long. 

I don't know why I even tried to hide those nightmares from him. He didn't do anything nearly irrational, he was perfectly rational actually.

I then went down to the kitchen, due to being full still I just grabbed an apple and a glass of water, it was a lovely day, summer had finally found its way to London, not that the lovely weather will last long. 

I found my way out to the garden and got comfy under the large tree Dean had planted here. I felt this garden as calming as it was, was boring and needed more plants. I think I will ask Dean if I can plant some flowers. 

I sipped my cool water under the warm sun, reading my latest book from the library. I felt strange, I had no chores list which I guess makes sense as I was fired as Dean's maid. Only my heart sank seeing the note he had left, until I read it. I will keep that note forever, my heart skipped a beat when I read "Love Dean". 

I soon fell asleep under the warm sun, the smell of fresh mowed grass lingering. I was happy, undoubtedly happy for the first time since that day I got the news that my father would soon die. Everything changed that day. I miss Daddy so much, he cared for me like no other and he was an amazing Dad. He would bake with me, take me to football games and even when I hated sports I enjoyed those days together. He came to all my dance recitals. 

Then it all changed and he stopped coming to the dance recitals, stopped taking me to games and stopped baking with me. Soon even watching Tv was too hard for him and so with his dying breath, he spent his last moments in bed, with me at his side reading to him. 

This isn't just my escape, it's the last peace I brought to my father.

I had to shake away the sad memories and wiped the stray tear making its way down my cheek away, I hope Daddy is looking down on me proud, but I still had a few hours until Dean came home and we would go to Timothys.

I put the disney channel on and binged a whole bunch of an old TV shows that I loved, it was a classic. Even though I never understood how people didn't recognise her just because of a wig! Still people did not recognise superman due to a pair of speks so, I guess it's just TV logic. 

I got a message from Mark saying that he was passing nearby and asking if I would like to join him for a coffee. I replied "I would love to Mark" He then replied saying he would be here to get me in 10 minutes. 

I was glad that I had already gotten dressed, So I just dug out a warm cardigan as it wasn't cold enough for a coat but still had a nice breeze that was cool to the skin. 

He collected me in perfect time and soon we were at our favourite coffee place, and he asked how I felt about meeting Dean's family. I knew Timothy meant a lot to Dean, but I had thought of it as meeting a friend. Mark had made me realize I had not even considered this was Dean's family. "Should I take anything" I asked, I trusted Mark's advice.

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