Hidden Demons

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Last night was better than I had imagined it would be, and I had spent plenty of time and many nights fantasizing about that moment. I loved watching her face twist and turn and become overwhelmed with pleasure as I played with her body, teasing her, marking her as mine. 

She tasted so good, even to my cold slightly numb tongue. Then when I removed the blind fold and asked her to be sure that I had her consent, that she was ready; She practically screamed yes! I slid my cock in slowly, until it was fully devoured by her pussy, I could feel the warm wet ridges of her sweet tight cunt. I felt her pussy tighten and squeeze my cock, contract and pulse around it. 

I watched her face as I entered her. I saw pain and was about to stop but then she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me closer. She groaned slightly in pain, and her face twisted in discomfort as she adjusted to my girth. I looked at her face and as she opened her eyes I stroked her hair to remind her how beautiful she was and hell if she told me to stop I would. 

Only she then started to move with me, against me allowing my cock to dig deeper into her. We both came together, sighing those three words.

I had never made love with another woman and before Caris I had never had any desire to, now I want to make love to Caris for as long as she will allow me to.

I wake before Caris, normally on the weekends I go to the gym, leave her to sleep alone but after last night I barely wanted to leave her. 

Instead I go down to the kitchen and make eggy bread and coffee. I return to the room to wake Caris hoping to have breakfast in bed together and we could even watch a disney movie cuddled up. 

Only when I entered and heard her whimpers, her screams. I placed the tray on the dresser and went to check on her. She was still sleeping but sweating and had both dried tears and new ones running down her cheeks and crusting to her skin. 

"No No, Davide don't! It hurts" She cried and I felt my heart sink. The pain I saw written all over what should have been a peaceful sleeping face was an image burned into my memory.

 I pulled her close to my chest, wrapping my arms around her, soothing her by stroking her hair. She must have woken up as she looked up at me "Dean '' is all she says before sobbing against my chest.

I know that demon that I share blood with caused her this pain, this trauma and I know he is hoping that it would also hurt me, destroy me even but I won't let him have his way. 

Right now my girl needs me, but then I think I shall pay my dear brother a visit. I held Caris until the tears finished falling, until my chest and her cheek were encrusted and stuck together from her tears. 

I hate seeing her in pain, I will do what I can to keep her safe but I also want her to heal. She has counseling but maybe she would benefit more from another form of therapy. I fear she is struggling from PTSD.

When Caris was settled I ran her a bubble bath and after getting dressed I decided that because the eggy bread was now cold and it was almost lunch that I would bake some fresh croissants for her, I made some cheese and ham ones and some with butter and jam to spread, laid it all out on the table and made a fresh jug of filter coffee. She entered the room in just my dressing gown, which made me feel hot for her. 

"Hey honey, i'm sorry about that, I know I should just get over it and I don't want to burden you-" I walked up to her and pulled her into my arms. 

"Baby you take as long as you need to, you're never a burden" I said wholeheartedly. I then remembered the brunch that I had made "baby sit, let's have some brunch. Then I was hoping to invite you to my good friend Timothys for dinner later".

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