Rotten uncles and best aunts

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Me and Lisa had decided to go on to the club after the cocktail bar, it was so much fun and we had been dancing for hours. My feet were killing me and I was exhausted. 

I went to the ladies where I met this lovely sweet girl Adley. She was gorgeous, red haired, freckled and bright blue eyes. She said her friend had left her to hook up with a guy. I said she could join me and my mother in law, she was happy about that. She hugged me and asked for my number, I was hesitant because I knew moving soon may make keeping in touch difficult but I figured why not; we could always text.

We rushed back to the dance floor where Lisa was clearly drunk out of her mind, but I had stopped drinking after two so that we could get home safely. I had told Lisa that today was a special day to me and she decided we needed to go all out and party. I asked her not to tell Dean, normally I don't tell people what that day was. 

I was having a great time, and while I was dancing I considered calling Dean because the Idea of getting a drunk Lisa into a taxi did not appeal to me. She was stronger than me, plus she was stubborn as hell. Probably where Dean gets it! 

I was about to slide out of the crowded dance floor when I felt a man grip my arm, I turned to see the same brown eyes staring back at me as I do in the mirror. The same eyes I saw rejected me when I was Only a small child, My mothers brown eyes. Only they were being worn by a man who only vaguely looked familiar.

I pulled my arm free and turned to face the man, I stood tall and straight. "Leave me alone" I spit. Only he grabs my shoulders in his hands. "Caris, I am your mum's brother, please listen. I didn't expect to run into you, but it was impossible not to recognize you. Your mother has wanted to reach out since your dad died only she couldn't find you" he said with a serious dry tone as he stared back at me. I wiggled free and sighed, she wouldn't have found me because I had nowhere to live, no job and was lucky to be alive most days.

Only she lost the right to ask anything of me, even a chance to explain, I don't care if she wants to right her wrongs and reach out to me now. It's too late, she chose her new family and decided that I wasn't enough to even be a part of it.

So many people are part of a blended family, she had no reason to throw me away because she stopped loving dad, or when she met a new man. She never had a reason to throw me away, unless she just never loved me. The sad reality stung but I had known this truth for a long time. My dad gave me all the love and comfort a parent should, he still would be if he hadn't died of cancer. 

I was angry at dad for getting cancer and dying, not that it was ever his fault, and I know he still felt an immeasurable amount of guilt for leaving me. Only I know he would never have left by choice, not like her. She left me without even looking back, and I have always been better off without her. That hasn't changed, there is no place in my life for her, she would only abandon me again.

I give him a grimace and pull away, shaking my head free from the pained look playing on my face. I straightened up and put a fake content look onto my face. "I don't want, nor do I need her. She never wanted me and now it's too late to expect anything from me, even my time" I said as nonchalantly as I could muster. 

He looked sad, but then as he went to try and convince me of whatever plan he thought would reunite me with my mother. I strongly said "No" and pushed my fists againstbhis shoulders. "Nothing will make me want to see her, not ever. Nothing you say will change my mind" Just as I stepped back I saw Dean between us and his hand slapping the man claiming to be my uncle. 

Dean really didn't need to hit him, I had the situation handled. Why was he even here! My  uncle left with a bleeding cheek, I wasn't even angry that Dean had hurt him. I probably should have been angry at Dean but instead I was angry at that man for his audacity. How he thinks he can just say 'hey talk to your mum' as if I would nod and say 'okay'. Idiot, nothing can heal the pain she left. 

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