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It has been around three weeks and I still don't know where Caris is, I haven't given up. I will keep searching. 

Sure at first I thought she had just left me, but then I saw that note that killed my soul. If she is still alive, I will never leave without her again, she will have to be with me, everywhere. 

I hated my brother and I would be sure he pays for this, but I blame myself. I left her alone, even If I hadn't, this is all my fault, it's my fault for having such a damaged life, a broken family and I never should have let her fall in love with me knowing what being with me could mean, I put her in danger. 

I never even told her I loved her in return. I hear her sleepy voice saying those words and I feel haunted, I don't deserve to hear them again. 

Most days had blurred into one, I would wake up, shower, dress and make a black coffee then head to the office. Though I never got much done, It was too hard. My mind was anywhere but here, Ron was helping check over payroll, and Danny was managing clients, rotas and employees. I only really went to work because being at home would only remind me of her, it reminded me that Caris was gone. I felt broken without her, I don't even know when I became so dependent on her. 

She made my days brighter, and I never showed her how much she meant to me. My mum called me daily, I think she was worried. I also know she liked Caris, and she was hurt that her son did this. I know she felt awful that Davide did this, and even she knew what horrible things he was capable of. 

After my call with her most days I would drink some soup and go to the in house Gym. I would work out for a few hours, it helped me not let my anger, frustration and pain fully consume me. I would then eat a chicken or egg sandwich and shower and go to bed. 

I was going about my daily routine, which also had me chasing loose ends, talking with the gangs in London, trying to find any ounce of a clue where Davide could have been holding her. 

Most wouldn't talk out of fear, for my brother but I was desperate and by far the man they should fear now. 

I took one gang member called knifes, from the gang slashed and tied him to the chair. I had a small barn near my home just outside London. I did things I thought only Davide would be capable of. Only He did it for fun, I was just becoming more desperate each day for my girl to be in my arms. 

First I used a knife to cut knive's hands, sliding the knives under his nails and twisting it so that the nails all popped away. Then I cut his ear lobes and then his tongue when he would still not answer me. I became tired and knew he would not give me any information. I left him with the knife toet himself loose, but left. Whether or not he manages the task ans survives is not my priority. 

Had he given me information to help me find my girl then I would have released him myself. Caris is my only priority and holding her again is all I care about.

I had done all that I could, my father said he would help but was away in Egypt for a few weeks. He is coming here today, straight from Cairo. 

I was getting ready when Mark arrived. He was joining myself and Timothy today, picking Father up from the airport and then a meeting after at a conference room Father had booked at the hotel he owns.

 Mark looked as worried as myself and Timothy's wife gave me a hug, making me promise that when I get Caris back she can take her out for a girls day. I knew Sandy was happy I had found love, but I felt knotts in my stomach as I nodded to her promise. 

What if I never get her back. Sandy also packed some homemade lemon drizzle for the meeting, though I can't say it's done anything for my appetite, I still have no desire to eat.

Father got in the car, as did Mum, "Mum, I didn't know that you were joining Dad" I said shocked as they both got in the back with me, while Timothy was riding up front with Mark.

"Of Course darling, this is a family affair, your brother has broken one of the main rules of the mafia since it was first formed. We can't  overlook his disrespect to his brother's girlfriend". 

My head sank, wanting to correct her that I had never made her my girl officially, but I knew her being my girl meant Davide would be punished more harshly, so I held back. If he had taken her only a day later I like to think she would have said yes, and she would have been my girlfriend until the day I put a ring on her finger.

We arrived at the hotel and as we went into the conference room I saw the Dumont brothers. They are very well known French private investigators. 

My father sat at the head of the table, mother beside his left and myself at his right hand. Timothy and Mark each besides me. We all had a glass of scotch poured, and as it turns out my father had left Cairo last week and had been using his connections to find Davide. 

My father handed me a folder, and nodded. "It is all there, the Dumont brothers found his whereabouts. I and my two best men will join you and your men here in extracting her, with myself present. The men working for him killed for their part and you will be free to take your girl back. My father explained as he explained his terms for this deal.

 "And what about Davide, you let him go!" I shouted in anger. My father waved the Dumont brothers away saying "thank you, your pay has been sent to your account". They nodded and left.

"You can't expect me to kill my living heir, you refuse to take my place. I have no choice. My hands are tied" He said and I knew he was playing a game, and I never let him win in these games. 

Only I needed my brother to face consequences, he was dead to me and I saw no better fitting punishment. 

"I shall reconsider if I am left your only heir father" I said, catching his interest. 

"Fine we shall kill him" He said with a smirk.

"NO, you won't, he is still my son. Have him assessed by a psychiatrist again. Let him be sectioned so people are safe, but so I can still see my son. I am still his mother and it is still my job to keep him safe" my mother said while weeping with desperation in her voice.

I nodded and Father then opened the file, "She is here he said pointing to the page" She had never been more than an hour away. 

I will find you baby, I just hope that I am not too late.

Thank you for reading

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