Loving the smell of the sea

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I was laying in bed and the sun rose, I had Caris curled up on my chest. She was wearing my T-Shirt and boxers, again snoring soundly. She was beautiful with her hair all spread out over me, I recalled back to how she asked if I would still wash her hair after we made love, and how she said she is a sucker for a scalp massage, which gave me an idea. 

I gently shifted out from under her and wrapped my dressing gown around me. I called the salon of this hotel I often invested in, they were happy to help and after plans had been made, I decided to make Caris breakfast in bed. I turned her alarm off, she isn't going to be working for me today, so I want her to sleep in a bit. 

Today I plan to show her she's my girl, that she won't ever need to worry about money with me, and if I had a way to remove all the worries I would. 

Only I know money doesn't fix everything. 

I made her eggs and bacon on toast and when I woke her, she was happy, so I began getting ready and she sat watching, I found it amusing.

It felt intimate, not sexual but still intimate. I watched her as I dressed. She was sitting on the black silk sheets of the bed with her legs crossed gym style. She was mostly covered by wearing my boxers, but the slit in the boxers to wazz out off was stretched open wide. I saw some of her short tidy hair poking out and the pink of her beautiful slit. 

It was like being winked at, but as hard as her cunt was making me, I stiffened my back. Turned to the dark oak dresser and buckled my belt up.

She got ready before we headed out, she was always pretty fast when getting ready. I paced my room, the blinds still sealed tight, blacking out all natural light. I sighed as I opened them letting the daylight seap inside. I used to dread that it was yet again the start of a new day. Same stuff, different day. 

Only now I had a reason that every day could be spectacular. My Caris! 

I lift the top sheet and cozy duvet and shake it, straighten it and place the pillows just right. 

I look at her, walking out naked! Thick thighs, large arse and bouncy C cup boobs. I love her soft body, she's a size 12, thick and curvy and just perfect. I watch as she walks away to get her clothes and as she does my rub my sore hard cock. 

Not Now dick, not the time! I then went to get my wallet and get shoes on before we left.

While shopping I teased Caris that anything she touched I would buy, most girls would have then touched so many items not caring about the cost. She found a dress she really liked but put it back, sad faced while saying it was too much. It really wasn't, but I love this about her, she appreciates the little things in life. 

So I wagged my finger telling her the rules she had stated, "you like it, you touched it, it's your size". I loved her smile and needed to see it more so I suggested black boots, I mean I wasn't sure if black heels was more correct I just wanted her to allow me to buy her something else, without a fight.She lit up when she found a really nice pair that had some small heels.

 After shopping we stopped for lunch. She was ready to go home, but I don't think she realized I had more planned. 

After lunch we got in the car then I took her to the salon for her surprise. I waited almost two hours but when she came out in smiles I knew that time was worth it, not that she needed it. I just loved her smiling, knowing she was happy, knowing I can do things that make her happy. 

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