Muffled Voices and The Scream

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I had never been happier in my life than now knowing that I will marry Caris but I know we will have challenges along the way. 

I wish she could just have a happy straightforward life with me. Only she knows that being with me means the opposite, no matter how much I wish I could give her that. I simply can't

In the time leading up to the day we would marry I needed to arrange all my business affairs and I have decided to sell my house, it wasn't much of a home before Caris anyways. I wanted to buy a home with Caris, one in Rome when we got there but because I wanted Caris to help choose this meant that for the first few weeks we would stay at one of Dad's Villas for a couple weeks. 

Caris was getting ready and I was making us both a coffee and some bacon butties. She was taking her time so I called out for her but had no answer. "Caris baby?" I shouted a second time but she didn't respond. 

She may have just been in the shower unable to hear me but something felt wrong so I finished the food and went to check on her. She must have heard the floorboards creaking under my steps because she slammed the door shut as I neared the top of the staircase.

"Caris baby, what's wrong?" I asked while knocking on the wooden door. "Go away Dean, I don't feel well" she cried out. Only I had seen her unwell before and I had only just proposed yesterday. Surely the vows we would take matters now. "In sickness and in health baby. Let me in".

"No Dean, I look-well I mean, it's just you can't see me this way. Not now it will change everything" She said and even though her words were muffled by the door and her own tears I felt knotts form in my stomach. 

"Nothing will change, I love you." I willed her to open the door. She finally opened the door and I saw her sad face but was simply relieved she was safe and okay. 

"I started my period Dean, I now need to be tested. What if I can't give you babies". She let her tears loose and I pulled her close to me, letting my top soak her tears and my arms hold her steady. 

"Baby, I love you, fuck what father says! I do want to raise a baby with you though and not because of my father but because I want to see you be the amazing mum I know you're destined to be. We will just adopt" I told her softly as I stroked her hair.

"Dean, it's okay to change your mind. You can leave me if you want to". I held her incredibly close after she tried to give me an out. I knew it was because she is selfless and sees herself as a burden. Only I didn't need or want an out.

"Baby, I meant what I said and I hope you meant it when you agreed to be my wife. You are mine, and will be mine for as long as you are my wife and even if life will be hard, it's you I want to go through it with" I said before looking down into those big brown eyes, and kissing her with all I had. 

We both finished getting dressed, Caris was coming with me to the office today. Ron asked me if I could bring her. He said a game of monopoly would be more fun with four of us. 

On the way to the office we stopped at the pharmacy and got my girl some bits, her bleeding was heavy and we believe it's due to the scar tissue in her pelvis. I also picked up fish and chips for all of us for lunch. Caris was craving something salty and greasy! My girl gets what she wants.

Once at the office everyone was waiting and cheered the moment we walked in, news travels fast. We thanked everyone who came to congradulate myself and Caris on our happy news.  Many were asking if we had a date in mind, honestly how will I tell them that we will be leaving and so soon. 

Caris said how she had not noticed before but the decor in the lounge was lovely and warm, there was a room to the right of the small kitchen diner that had a shower and a loo and then a room to the left with put up beds. I explained these rooms were for my colleagues who were off duty but did not yet have a home. 

"I think that's wonderful, this place must help so many street workers who are at daily risk, health risks too" I nodded, taking her hand in mine. Taylor and no other woman who I even talked to could understand what I was trying to achieve here.

She always understood me, and I valued her so much for it!

You read about rape cases in the news, some times they are street workers so people just shrug and say they asked for it. Then there are murders, and missing people who were street workers. Many abused and used for more than sex, sold like objects, traded like pokemon cards.

I know my employee's work in a businesses that still means selling sex, but it's in a safe environment. 

It doesn't only get them off the street, but the men who would otherwise harm, or become a predator have a place to live out their sick fantasies in a controlled and safe environment. 

I really met the right woman, Caris understanding why I made this place and what it meant to me was everything!

We sat and ate the fish and chips and played monopoly, Danny didn't have any clients until 6pm and Ron was only here to have a meeting with myself at 2pm and finish some paperwork he had to leave due to the last minute birthday party I planned.

Danny won the game, she always wins. Caris was far too generous and kept giving her propertys away. Danny asked Caris to have a coffee and cake with her while Ron and I had our meeting.

After about twenty minutes of discussing my plans with Ron for this place once I had left, we heard a scream. 

I ran out the room to find Caris but my heart dropped when I saw Danny alone. "Where is she?" I demanded. 

"She went to use the toilet boss, the doors locked and I can't get inside". I looked at the door to the shared loo, why would she scream? Maybe just a spider spooked her, or she slipped.

Then I heard her scream for me and what I heard next had me seeing red. "I had orders, we knew a tart like you would work here eventually". I heard another scream and I kicked the door down! "Stop, get off me, Dean!" Caris called. 

Now the door had been knocked down I saw a man holding my Caris against the wall, one hand around her throat and the other on her breast. 

I didn't think twice before I punched him. He looked up at me and smiled a sickly smile "It's too late, I sent proof she is a whore who works here. Not your fiance."

He laughed as I pulled Caris into my arms, I recognised him as one of Davide's men. What was he rambling about?

Ron grabbed the man by his collar and dragged him out, lucky for him as I would be far more violent than Ron.

It was not long until I felt my phone buzzing, it was father and I knew better than to answer him now. 

Only I would be calling my mother later, she knew better than whatever filth this arsehole sold to my father!

Thank you for reading

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