Deep Betrayal

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Disclaimer, Violence and drugs


I had stormed off after kissing my maid, what an idiot. She was vulnerable, she had just been assaulted.

I am sure the last thing she needed was another man touching her, I curled my fists into balls. I tip my head back and then run my hands over my face.

I wanted her so badly, one taste had me already wanting more. If I didn't walk off I would have had to take her right there, against the wall in her bathroom.

But she's better than that, she deserves more than that. She deserves a kind man, not one like me. I am cold and I don't know how to love.

She needs a man who really loves her, can treat her like a princess and spoil her like she deserves.

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to mentally erase how her tongue felt in my mouth, instead my imagination wandered away thinking about how her tongue would feel against my cock.

Fuck! I really can't go there.

After a shower, and tossing and turning and a guilty wank, I fell asleep.

Only I soon woke up and I walked past Caris' room quietly and headed down to the kitchen. I made some toast, it was quiet, and I missed the sound of Caris' humming when in the kitchen.

I decided to leave her a note, giving her a day off and then I got dressed and went to my office to sleep, but as I crept past her room again I heard her crying in her sleep "Charlie, no, not again" and I knew whatever happened later would be worth it, for her.

I woke up in the office and made myself a coffee, I reached for a cereal bar from my top drawer but as I did the door knocked, it was Ron and he brought me an egg sarnie, good lad!

He wanted to ask for a week off to travel, see Paris, I agree of course!

He asked why I was in the office sleeping, so I told him about the kiss and how I panicked and ran off to hide in my room.

I also told him that this Charlie guy had hurt her really bad, and that I made a deal with the devil!

"Oh boss, it sounds like you are falling for your maid," he chuckled.

I told him "don't be silly, I can't love, it's impossible".

He sat on my desk and leaned in real close. "Oh darling you already love, you love all of us like family, whether you say it or not. I think you are fighting it, but Caris sounds special and it is possible, you do deserve it you know" he said.

"deserve what" I asked in response. Ron just whispered "Love honey, you deserve love too".

He wished me luck for later but then with my blessing went home to pack. I was glad when the day was over!

I went straight to my Brother's place, he leaves for Italy tomorrow, Dom was waiting and helped me gear up.

We headed out and caught Charlie leaving work, Dom did his part perfectly, managing to knock him out and swiftly move him to the car without struggle.

We went to this den, a dark decrepit house. Down some abandoned road where only one street light worked. Where it flickered and the road itself cried lost souls.

He came too soon after being tied to the chair. He looked around, blinking away at the bright light Dom held directly at his eyes.

Dom worked on him threatening him, he broke two fingers and some other awfully painful things.

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