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Disclaimer this chapter mentions significant injury and abuse


I hated what having to turn to my father meant for me, I knew what he would ask of me. He would not miss an opportunity to make me his heir, he has wanted it to be me since I was 21 and had already built an empire, a business that made me millions and would socialize with the elite of London. 

While Davide was busy building gangs and becoming a feared name, I was earning respect and Loyalty. I always promised myself that I would never agree, never become his heir! 

Only for Caris it was the least I could do. She had come into this world by my brother's hands, but I am the one who chose to keep her in this life, because I knew letting go would break my heart. 

I was a fool to think that I could keep her safe.  I was an idiot to even believe that I wouldn't end up stuck permanently in this world. Now thanks to my promise, my word! which I stand by, I will be initiated into my fathers world. I will have to move, leave Caris or take her with me. 

Only I know that is just putting her at more risk. Can I really take her with me, after all she has been through?

Father, a dozen of his men and myself drove to the place father had been told where she was being kept. It wasn't very original, Davide chose an old abandoned house in a woodland area just outside London by about an hour. 

I gritted my Teeth, any man who hurt her will die today. 

We all pulled up and as we slammed the doors men came approaching, we all drew our guns, the only man who wouldn't taste our bullets was Davide. 

Only if it wasn't for his Mummy, I would be sure it was my bullet that took his life, that I stood over him watching the life drain from his face. 

Once inside the property, most men dead, we saw a few run down to a cellar, giving away Davide's location. 

We ran down, surrounding them, pointing our guns to a man each, I was grateful Timothy and Mark had waited in the car, I know Caris will need to see friendly faces. 

I looked Davide in the eyes, avoiding looking at Caris. I knew she would be injured but my heart broke seeing how badly. I pointed my gun and kept eye contact! 

The men shoot, and his two sidekicks fall. I was about to shoot the third, but Caris' voice pulled me back. 

I find my eyes now making contact with hers, my poor baby! She said how this man had helped her so I told him to get behind me and offer him sanctuary. Any man who helped my girl in any way will be allowed his freedom.

 Davide pistol whipped my girl and my jaw clenched and I felt a growl leave me. I wanted to kill him, it was taking all my control not to end him for what he had done to my Caris.

Davide says he sees no ring and seeing Caris look down in defeat, knowing that I had never told her, I knew it wasn't the beatings that defeated her, but the feeling I didn't love her back.

 "I LOVE YOU CARIS, I should have said it, I was planning to. I wanted the moment to be perfect. Now I see that was stupid, I just needed to tell you" I tell her, tears running down my face, I never cry but my soul broke open and as soon as she looked up at me and gave me a smile I heard the gun.

 I see Davide shoot her in her pelvis, knowing Dad wanted me to produce an heir. He knew this meant Caris would not make a suitable wife, if she could no longer be a woman to give me an heir. 

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