Two Sorentos

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I had been struggling for nearly a year in a small run down flat, I rented one of the rooms out illegally for pittance, but soon the council found out and evicted me. Now I have been on the street for three months, nearly four and I would like to say I was not used to living cold, wet and hungry. That would be a lie, in the flat I had no money for heating, no money for food and not a lot to give me any form of comfort. I had been desperate for so long.

I found a way to make a little money, while having a warm place to sleep. This gang who dealt street drugs allowed me to stay, as long as I cleaned, and ofcourse cooked.

 They had low standards, and were too high to notice me most of the time. But I made £30 a week, and had a warm place to rest my head each night. Also I was allowed to help myself to food, and so I didn't feel hungry, it was mostly cereal or toast, but It meant I was not hungry and I knew that pain all too well. 

It still wasn't safe and men would try to force themselves on me, but I would lock my door at night, and luckily the worst that had happened was them touching and grabbing at me. Not that it was okay. Men are pigs! 

It was Tuesday and I went about my usual tasks, shopping, making lunch for the hungover, wasted people, just tinned chicken soup and bread. cleaned the kitchen and both toilets, which usually were coated in sick then I would read for a while. Reading was my escape.

 Usually I would not be disturbed until dinner, and after that I'd lock myself away. Only someone grabbed my book and tore it down the middle, and it was a thick book, so not easy to do. He was easily over 6 foot tall, dark hair and tan, brown eyes that looked like darkness. 

He told me to close my eyes, "Or don't, I dont give a crap about you" I watch as he pulls out a gun, I cover my eyes, tears springing to my eyes, he must be about to end my life, I know I don't have much of a life but I wasn't ready to die, I wasn't! 

Next thing I know this man was grabbing my wrist and dragging me, I saw bodies with blood pouring out. "who, who are you" I stuttered and he smiled, lighting a fag "Sorento". That name was enough to send chills down my body. 

"Thank You for freeing me, I appreciate that'' I said as I try to walk away, He pulls me close laughing " I didn't save you, I fucking stole you" He then grabs my hair and hits me in my face until everything went black! 

I then wake up in this car, leather interior, clearly expensive. The door slammed shut, my face was burning from pain. I got up and the Idiot didn't even lock the door. I got out and stumbled, the world was spinning and I felt sick. I saw the building he clearly went into, I hoped to find a bathroom, nothing else was around, just more posh cars. What even is this place?

As I was walking through these corridors I  heard voices and creeped into the room, across from Sorento was another man also towering over 6 foot, a man with again dark hair and tan skin, only He had these piercing blue eyes, that felt soft and kind, but I would be wrong, it was another Serento! 

The man who was the one who took me and hit me relentlessly dragged me forward claiming me as his new toy, I spat at him. I would rather die than be his whore.

He even has me bark like a dog. I felt humiliated and I missed half of what they were saying and then he lifted my arm saying he branded me, and oh My God, there was a giant DS, burned into me. I shook, now truly scared what my existence would be, until the day I died. 

In the end the other man with soft eyes bought me. What was I, some toy these brothers could squabble over, like toddlers. I think I would prefer that to them sharing. I shudder, but feel grateful when the dark eyed one leaves. Only I wasn't sure if I should be happy about it. This Sorento could be the bad one, I don't know. 

I am tired, and ready to give up. I have been fighting for so long, and it's not like my life would ever get much better!

 He asks a girl I soon learn is called Danny to help me, take care of me. She ran me a bath, washed my hair and shaved me all over. Even down there, she said Dean liked his girls smooth, I sighed, maybe I was now his sex slave!

 As Danny washed my face she was so gentle, but it stung. I knew my fight was over  the ringing in my ears, the pounding in my head. I had been in pain for so long. Danny then brushed my hair, she was gentle with my tangles, and plaited them.

 "I think tomorrow we will cover your bruises, but he didn't ask me to do that, so I think we should wait and let the swelling come out" I nodded timidly while rubbing my arm. She saw the marks and gasped "you met Davide"

 I knew she must be talking about the dark eyed Sorento, after all Dean was clearly the one now owning me, who she works for. 

As I nodded and she sighed "I was hoping Dean secured you'' and I looked at her lost, "secured?" I asked 

She nodded explaining her job. I was worried I was in some human trafficking ring, but she giggled, explaining how they are protected in their sessions, have full say in what they do and don't do and what incentives they had. 

"You make how much a week" My jaw was flying open, and to think that I was excited about £30 a week!

 She dressed me and walked me to a room. I saw the bed and laid down, I let my eyes close, tears silently soaking the pillow. 

I was woken up by a loud slam from the door, and Dea- I mean Mr Sorento walked in. He was pulling his tie away, shirt unbuttoned. I sat up, and my eyes saw his beautiful abs, only I looked away. I suppose now would be the time that he takes me as his.

 I had only had sex with one man before, and it was an ex who would beat me, rape me. 

Right after my father passed I trusted my ex, I shouldn't have. It had been around 10 months since I had been sexually active and I knew I was sure to hurt. "please, just make it fast, over with quickly" I said, rolling over onto my hands and knees. I was sure he didn't want to look at my face, and I needed today to be over. I rolled up my night gown that Danny gave me, and I buried my head, tears streaming, again silently. 

All I heard was laughter, an infectious laughter. "You actually think I want YOU as a sex slave, I can get girls for free thanks" I sat up, confused and lost "Why the fuck am I here then, why did you want to buy me!" I screamed, relieved but completely shocked at this information.

 Again he laughed, I rolled my eyes "I didn't want you, you're wasted money, but how about some gratitude, you're alive. Right!"

 I suddenly felt angry, was I alive, was this living. I stood up on the bed, which was a low bed, While me being 5 ft 4 meant we were level. 

"No one forced you to buy me" He sniggered and said "No but unless you wanted to be raped and beat then either murdered or sold to worse, your welcome"

 I folded my arms, maybe he was the better option. He then said we would leave in the morning, that I won't be staying here as I am not an employee, but I would stay with him

 "I need a live-in maid, would you consider it" I nodded and he then climbed into bed, patting the bed next to him. "I won't bite, but all rooms except this room are for paying clients. This is my room for when I stay. It's just for one night, besides you may have a concussion, so I will need to make sure you don't die" I crawled into the large bed. There was plenty of space between us. My eyes soon were shut and I must have fallen asleep fast, as then the light from the window shines through, waking me, to an empty bed.

Thank you for reading!

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