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It had been about six weeks since Caris returned home and just over a month of calling her mine. Most days I came home to her cooking, the first thing she bought with her first and last wage from me was a recipe book. 

So most weekdays I come home to her burning something new, or on some days a relatively good meal. Last Thursday she nearly burned the place down trying to cook cottage pie, but then last night she made a really good salad. 

On Friday nights I take her out for a dinner date and on Saturday and Sunday I cook. Caris has truly made my life richer! I never saw myself as the type to settle down, but with Caris that's all I could wish for. 

Today was Friday and I was busy booking reservations for our date. I needed today to be a special day. She had seen the doctor and got the all clear today. It had been over 3 months since we had sex, only as amazing as it was fucking her I knew the next time we have sex it would mean more to both of us; we would be making love for the first time. 

Sure we hinted it to each other, but now we have said those big three words we would know and I know it will mean a lot more to Caris than myself. 

I chose a quaint little Bistro in west London and also booked tickets to a show. I loved treating Caris but I know money is not what matters to her, I pack up my briefcase and shut my office down. 

I wanted to leave early, so that Caris would have enough notice that I had booked a show; so that she had ample time to get ready. 

As I had left early I decided to pick up a starbucks cake and coffee for me and my girl. She texted me so happily around lunch that the Doctor said she was ready to return to all normal activities. 

I arrived early and found her in Pajamas curled up on the sofa in the lounge with the fluffy blanket she loved while watching a Disney movie. 

I took a moment to really look at her, to really see her beauty. Her long hair almost white draped over her shoulders and even over her legs as she was curled up hugging her knees to her chest. Her big brown eyes staring over her knees to the TV, watering at some sad scene! Her legs, those long sexy legs hiding her figure as she is balled up, but in tiny shorts showing all of her smooth sexy legs. 

I could take her right here and fold her over the sofa's arm, pumping into her! Only that isn't what I have envisioned all these months, I want to look into her eyes, those huge, chocolate brown eyes. I love seeing her face change expressions and my favourite is the expression she pulls when my hard cock slides into her tight pussy, really slowly. She is worth waiting a few more hours!

"Baby, you do look so cozy" I say in my clearly husky and aroused tone, she giggles after my voice had startled her, clearly noticing. She then sees what's in my hands, a smile forming from ear to ear and then she jumps up and runs up to me hugging me, but also nearly knocking the starbucks from my hands. 

She is so beautiful when she is happy, even if she squeals like a child at Disneyland over coffee. I give her the drinks and let her get cozy again, I take my jacket off and come to sit beside her, taking her scene in as she lay her face flush against my chest. 

"baby, I booked us dinner, but it's a bit earlier today as I have a treat for us." Her eyes grow large as she becomes increasingly more curious. 

"Oh please tell me, you know that I don't do well with suspense" she pleaded, but I shook my head holding back my smile. 

"No fair" she pouted, fuck that had me coss my arms to tightly hold myself into calming down. 

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